Job Integrated Amp.

Became available a few days ago. Placed my order immediately upon receiving an email from a an employee there. Now I anxiously await.

Showing 2 responses by justvintagestuff

... LUV MY JOB! Have it now for over 1-1/2 years - it replaced a BAT and a BRYSTON... obviously: the speakers you listen thru have a major affect on the sound you hear, and that is many times the disappointment - you just don't get the sound you hope for/want. I have Gershman Acoustics Avant Garde RX-20s from the late 90s and they "SING" with the JOB: Ample bass, clean vocals, crashing cymbals... I use a home-made 12g Solid Copper core wire, twisted, and bi-wired, and I no longer search for newer equipment - my efforts now in deciding on Music to experience.
... I keep finding ways/things to coax the sweet sound out of my 2016 JOB INT, purchased new on a wing and a prayer - ANSWERED! Hooked up to a 20 year old, purchased used, CD player ( Marantz SA-8001, playing sometimes with vintage Harmonic Technologies Pro-Silway MK III interconnects and its own DAC, and sometimes with the DAC in the INT via Optical Cable), and my 20+ year old speakers (purchased used and reconditioned by the manufacturer, Gershman ) Avant Garde RX 20s, running bi-wire with 12g solid core homemade bare wire speaker cables - I swap around the PS Audio xStream Statement SC Power Cord into the INT, and the newest piece, The Sweet Cord from JOB, into the CD Player. Almost anything I add or juggle into/onto it makes a difference - I could not be happier.
I am truly surprised there is not more interest in the amazing piece of reasonably priced audio deliverance (maybe in Europe, India or Japan?).