JOB, BelCanto, Perpetual, MilleniumDACs?

Greetings. My evolving ref system (ParsifalEncores/AlephP+2s/RedDawn) needs a new digital front end. I've read about the DACs listed above, and hope to hear commentary that might save me enormous time comparing them. This system is WAY too revealing of my old Rotel CDP's inadequacies (HF roughness, especially), but a quick fix with an ARCAM 9 proved unsuccessful: it's too rhythmically handicapped! Is the 'Canto the easy solution to achieve high resolution AND rhythmic prowess? Thanks. Ernie (Whatjd: lost the thread with your comments--please repeat, if you would be so kind.)

Showing 2 responses by philefreak

What does EVS stand for? I'm also trying new DAC's. I can't find this EVS Millenium. I'm currently trying the Perpetual P1a & P3a. They are very impressive and may be better as they break in. Plus they are promising room correction & speaker correction software upgrades in the future. They do have a problem with difficult music passages, which Perpetual told me about after I purchased the DACs. Stating that they are under warrenty. I proceded to remind them that I'm still in my 30 day in home trial. The DACs clip like an amp on well recorded,extended dynamics. Perpetual assures me they are going to exchange my DACs for the new with repaired software. Other than this little setback they sound wonderful.
Thanks Megasam, Ric is a real nice and inteligent guy. No sales pressure what so ever.