JMW9 setup tracking problems... need help

After almost 20 years I decided to return to analog. Looking for a good TT, found here in Audiogon a VPI Super scoutmaster with JMW9 arm in perfect condition and decide to buy it. I follow all the setup procedure: first level the turntable; then lower to arm until is parallel with the plate (to get that I had to lower the arm up to its lowest point); use an arm load meter to set up the traking force(I use a Denon 103R cartridge at 2.88g; little bit high of its higher set up of 2.8g); and rotate the counterweight to get perfect lateral balance; and finally I use the alignment jig to setup the perfect placement of the cartridge in the headshell. Everything looks OK but each time that I try to play a record the stylus runs across the vinyl and jumps half a song or more and sounds are sometimes (not always) intermitent. In inner grooves stylus track better b ut not perfect.
Maybe this is a silly question but dont know what else to try (I recheck everyhting and all looks ok) and VPI is not open until the 7th and will love to spend this holidays enjoying this grate TT. Thanks in advance
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I think my laast post is wrong, what it prooves is that the cartridge is the problem. If Im right .... I have a serious problem!!.
Just switched the 4 cables that goes directly to the cartridge (the 2 rights with the 2 lefts) and found that the problem goes from left to right so, this is a proof that the problem is not the cartridge but the cables ... am I right?
Marty, sorry to bother you but need some ideas here. Today arrives the wood case so I decided to install my Denon 103r inside right away. I follow all the video instructions with all the possible care, recalibrate all the parameters, and finally put a record on my TT to find . . . one channel is not working !!!! well not at all: I can hear music but just when I put my ear very close to the speaker. Don't know what happens but I think the problem is the cartridge because if I switch the left and right connectors in the TT the bad channel switch side. Do you have any idea what happened? and, is possible to fix it? I do my best working with the Denon but .....
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Hi Marty, first I have to let you know that static problem's solved: looks like the VPI's Mike trick do the job, I think this could be something related to the VPI TT design but anyway, now I have no static at all!.
About the wood body yes, I ordered from Uwe.
Thanks for your help and enjoy your weekend.
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After all night with some sprayed towels around the turntable (I have wood on the floor not carpet, so I decided to use this option), this morning I turn the TT and found that about half LP everything goes OK but after that the same "shots" starts again. One thing that Mike from VPI told me is that because the denon 103R has a plastic case promotes this problem. About a week ago I placed an order for a wood case from Europe (not for this reason but to add more mass to my arm)so will see if this solves the problem.
Thanks Viridian, I verify that the arm is perfectly grounded to the phono preamp so I assuming what you want me to try is " ...mix one part fabric softener to two parts water and spray it on the carpet around the installation..." right?
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Viridian, the day before yesterday called VPI and spoke with Mike, he told me the same: problem must be static charge so he ask me to run a cable from a big nub that is located at the bottom of the turntable to a ground wall outlet. Well I've tried that and doesn't work; I think (maybe Im wrong) the air in my house is not dry enough to create this kind of static problem so maybe you have other ideas that I can try. thanks
Hi Viridian, I checked that this morning buy I will verify if the arm is properly grounded tonight. I live in Miami FL. so no, no dry air here. Hope the problem is not a broken cable when I untwisted the wire that runs from the arm to the locking collet. Will post my findings.
Thanks for your response.
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Sorry guys but need some help again: since yesterday Im hearing a VERY LOUD noise that sounds like a gunfire when stylus tuches the vinyl or when I rise it from the LP, and sometimes happens also when record is playing. This sound is scary and Im worry about my speakers also. Do you have any idea why?, somethin g that I can try?
Thanks again in advance for your comments
Viridan, you're right, problem solved and now to enjoy the music! thanks to all.
Sanji,that is one of the options that Im thinking but for now as Viridian said: "enjoy the darned thing and start focusing on collecting some nice music!" thats what im going to do.
Thanks and wish you all have a great 2009 !!!!!
Hi Jorsan. Glad that you got the rig up and running. I have a Scoutmaster JMW9 and a Sumiko Blackbird. This cartridge works well with the Scout series tables and arms and is also one of VPI's favorite cartridges, I've been told by the manufacturer.
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Just drop the weight to 2.5g and seems that everyhting is working perfect now: cartridge tracks several LPs with no flaws so Im enjoying my TT at last!. In a near future will try the 3 gram headshell weight to compare.
Instead of modify the cartridge with the wood case option and the extra dollars that I have to expend on that, is not better to hear from you some recomendations of cartridges that can works its best with this arm? look, Im very happy with the sound that Im getting now but, beacause is not easy for me to compare with other opptions, your experience could help me to get the best of my new TT; the idea is not to compare this unit with others (IM not going to change this TT) but to hear recomendations for this expecific configuration. Lets assume a ceiling of one thousand to expend. Thanks
look a dL 103 should track noproblem at all of the vtf's you tried, 1.5 to 3.0 something is wrong. Look at the pivot. Make sure it is not bent or damaged. Also look under the wand and make sure the bearing is ok, no cracks or something stuck, obstructing the pivot point. Start over. Try many records. Also question the Denon. Something is wrong. Take multiple pics as it is currently and send them to me or all of us. I will respond tomorrow morning. Its something.
Note to Veridian-
My post above was written referencing your post *before* your one above this one-take that into account when reviewing context. Looks like we're pretty much in agreement.

Nice response-analytical backed with experience. Though I've not tried the dl-103 series on 20 (!) arms, I do have some experience. I've got a couple of DL-103Rs, a DL-103, a 103r with VdH Type 1 cantilever and stylus, and a Zu 103r. My arms include a JMW 12.5, SME 3012, SME M2-12, SAEC WE-308, SAEC WE-317, Rega RB-300, and a couple of others. I agree that a higher-mass arm (I'm a fan of 12" models) are more conducive to the compliance characteristics of the 103-series, but even so my past experience with the JMW-9, with added weight, was very satisfying. Maybe not the absolute best that can be wrung out of that cart, but still-very good. Were I the OP, I'd enjoy the 103r through it's effective stylus life, and then try a re-tip with a more compliant cant. Were he willing to spend a bit more money, the Dynavector DV-20lo is a nice(er) match to that arm.

BTW, agree absolutely with your note vis-a-vis the VTF/AS relationship. I think the OP had advice that, at best, was well meaning but derived from a calculator, not real-world experience. As I said, I'd drop the VTF down to 2.5.
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Thanks Viridian for that long, clear, and logic explanation and of course will try your advice. In the case of this specific arm, what cartridge do you consider can shows its best? maybe I can try it and compare.
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Viridian, its not me, is their recomendation, follow this link and open the jmw9 manual,there you'll find the explanation:
The JMW9 is not a low mass arm unless your standard is the 35 gram mass of some of the old Japanese arms. I am more worried that it is a little heavy for some cartridges. Tracking heavier is always preferable to tracking too light but don't overdo it. I use about 2.2 with the Denon 110 in same arm and intend to use around 2.5 when I get around to putting the 103 I recently purchased in my other JMW9 arm.
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Johnbrown, let me elabore more about the VTF 2.88. The reason is that the manual recomends to go to the upper setting of the cartridge, in this case manual mentions 2.5g (+/- 0.3gr) plus 0.1 gr more. This is because they compensate with more weight not using anti-skating with this arm.
"....looks like the arm doesnt need it, the counterwheight is in the middle when I set up this cartridge."

The purpose of the added weight has naught to do with VTF, but with tweaking the arm resonance relative to the dynamic compliance of the cart suspension. Since the DL103 is a relatively low compliance cart (though, as I said, not as low as it's specs makes it appear), you may see sonic upgrades by adding the weight (and readjusting the arm for correct VTF). At this point, however, if you've got the rig running, just enjoy some music. You'll want to establish a listening reference point before you make any changes, or do any experimenting. Though, were I you, I'd lower that VTF to 2.5 at some early point.

If you do want to experiment with adding weight to the headshell, and you've got an electronic scale, I'd suggest weighing out a blob of Blu-Tac and attaching it to the top of the headshell. That way, you don't have to remove/readjust the cart while you're experimenting. If you like the change, you can add the VPI weight for Handsome Good Looks.

And btw, congratulations on getting 'er going.
I just redo all the setup and now is working (I must have done somehting wrong the first time but dont know what was); will try it today and hope will have no more issues. Thanks to all for your help and if I have more problems will post them here. Again, thanks for your interest and Happy 2009 !!
Can't find in the VPI Industries page who represents them in my area (Miami, FL.) so if someone knows that information, please let me know. Thanks
First of all, I found that the wire was heavly twisted and as a first step I untwist the cable to the point that each wire goes individualy, and the connector is not receiving any forze to any side. I have played a record again and problem persist, the only difference is that now the problem is confined just to the first 1/5 of the record, the rest seems to track OK but dosent sounds clean.

I've tried that and yes, if I push the arm outwards to the edge of the platter it returns fast so looks like all is normal here.

I have the 3grams headshell weight that VPI sells, do you consider that I have to add that? looks like the arm doesnt need it, the counterwheight is in the middle when I set up this cartridge.

Any other ideas? thanks
One other thing-be sure the wires connected to the cart are tucked up into the headshell well enough to clear the vinyl.
Make sure the arm is clearing the lift lever platform. If you made an adjustment in height of the arm, this could be hitting the arm. You might need to lower this.
Agree with Rushton-the DL103 is not the problem.

*I previously had a Scout/JMW 9 that worked fine with this cart, and many, many others at VA have reported the same.

*The compliance of the DL103 is not as low as the spec sheet seems to show, due to the methodology that Denon uses to determine the compliance.

Saying that, you should buy the 15 dollar, 3-gram headshell weight that VPI sells-and see if it makes a difference in the sonics. Cheap experimentation.
Thanks guys for your fast responses. I'll try what you said and will post the results.
Viridian and Sanji have stated the likely solution for you. Watch the twist on the phono wire.

I heard the Denon 103R playing just fine on a friend's Scoutmaster a few years ago. No problems at all. So, I'm confident you can find a solution with this cartridge on your VPI table.
Check the anti-skate force which is provided by the twisted wire. First set the tracking force to zero by moving the counter weight away from the cartridge (opposite direction). Then move the arm close to the spindle and lower it. The force of the twisted wire should push the arm outwards to the edge of the platter. If it does not do so completely, unplug the connector from the junction box and untwist the wire once. Repeat the process. This should do the trick and not skip when playing records. Try a local dealer in your area. They may help you with the set up for a small fee.
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