JMLab Utopia and Watt/Puppy 7.0 Comparsion

I am trying to find the pros and cons of these speakers, can anyone help ?

Showing 1 response by jtinn

I am not a big Utopia fan. I find them a bit on the lifeless sounding side. I have heard them with everything from low powered tubes to huge powerful solid state amplifiers.

The Watt Puppy 7's on the other hand are a much different beast. They are wonderfully dynamic and fairly low in distorion. Although they really sing with quite a bit of power, they do play quite well with the lower powered stuff. The drawback with the Wilson speakers has been cohesiveness and musicality. If you are looking for a very impressive sound to show off to your friends, this is a wonderful speaker for those purposes. Long term listening always leaves me with the feeling that the lower midrange is too bloaty and I always feel like I want to mess with the setup.

If your choice is only between those two speakers, I would highly suggest the Watt / Puppies (by a wide margin).