JM Reynaud Twin Signatures vs. Bliss/Silver

Has anyone ever compared these 3 speakers? The JMR Twin Signature, Bliss, and Bliss Silvers? I have the Twin Signatures. The main problem I have with them is that the bass sounds a bit too boomy, lumpy, and ill defined in my small listening room. I am wondering if the Bliss's would solve this problem or not? Also, there is a slight opaqueness and murky sound to the Twins as well. I would like a larger soundstage and bit more clarity without giving up too much warmth. Despite some reservations I do love these speakers. They have a musical insightfulness that other speakers seem to lack. I can better understand the structure of the music and the notes have a more 3D roundness to them.
Anyone have any comments? Is it worth the upgrade?

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