JM Lab Nova Be or Eggleston andra 3 ? anyone?

Hi i am in the market for JM Lab Nova Be or Eggleston andra 3
I can get them both for around the same price ,but I will never get the chance comparing them... ( one is in Greece the other in UK..Here we do not have a eggleston dealer,but I ve read many reviews for both ,so if somebody had a chance to listen to them both I will highly appreciate his opinion.
My system :
ps audio PWD mk2 + transport
pass x350.5 amp direcly to the PWD
cardas golden ref interconnects.
thinking about a future upgrade to halcro dm88 or pass xa160.5 amps
thx in advance

Showing 1 response by jafant

Hifi76 -

I would not exchange those Pass Lab amps for Halcro!

Otherwise, both JM Labs and Eggleston are outstanding speakers, it will be the one that sounds the best to your ears.