JM LAB any good?

I'm looking for best compact speakers,I heard that JM lab Utopia mini would be a good choice,perhaps Wilson CUBS or Sounus Faber Gurnieri any comments would be appreciated
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I don't like the Focal tweeters that both Wilson and JM-Lab use, they ring at 16 kHz. This is the same frequency that TV sets scan at, and many recordings have this noise leaked into the recording. THESE TWEETERS ARE FLAWED. Get a speaker with a Scanspeak Revelator sot dome tweeter, like the Montana line, Nova, Meadowlark, etc. Barring that, any with the Dynaudio Esotar tweeter. THESE TWEETERS HAVE AN ELECTROSTATIC QUALITY THAT A METAL DOME WILL NEVER HAVE!!
Carl I was taking you seriously until you said that you liked Montana speakers better than the JM Lab Utopia line 8-). I agree that Wilson speakers have some problems in the treble (they sound like shreaking banshees to me). Are you sure that the 16KHz problem exists in the Utopia tweeter? - it is not a commercially available tweeter, so it can't be the same one used by Wilson. Also, be careful what version of the Revelator you get, there was a problem that was found by Mr. Linkwitz (Linkwitz crossover, Audio Artistry, etc.) that was fixed in later versions of the tweeter. Eric