JL Audio f112 blown speaker?

I have/had a JL Audio f112 and I absolutely love it. About 3 months ago I changed my processor from a B&K Ref 50 to the new Classe SSP800.

About a month later my f112 started, for lack of a better term, started screeching, when I would play it. I have no idea what happend, but I unhooked the XLR connection and it would continue sporatically, even without any signal.

JL Audio was absolutely great. I sent it in and 5 days later a new one shows up at my door. Now after a month the same thing has happened with my new one.

I'm not playing them loud at all. I play video games, watch movies and listen to a lot of music.

Something is up and I am clueless what it is. It must be something in my system causing this. Any suggestions?

Showing 1 response by statman

Put your sub on an seperate circuit if you can.Try using a heavy duty extension cord and run the sub to a different outlet away from the rest.The JL's have a limiter of sorts built into it. I found it running test tones thru it, didn't damage it at all and I found the absolute max I can drive the Fathom to. Did you calibrate the sub using test tones to the recommeneded 75 db setting?