JL Audio ARO Troubleshooting

I recently replaced from a pair of JL Audio F110 v1 for a pair of JL Audio F112 v1 in support of Maggie 3.7is.  One of the F112s had been previously run as slave, which may prove important--I'm not sure.

One of the F112, the one that had PREVIOUSLY been set in slave mode, must be set at 80-90% of total volume to properly calibrate the ARO.  The old F110 in the same location only required 50% at most.  The same F112 has a very short (say 5 second) demo mode playing cycle.  The output in demo mode is very modest, say 20% of what my old F110 did in the same location. Is this normal?

I spoke with the dealer who traded these to me as well JL Audio twice.  The first representative said some of the F112 require high setting for ARO and it would not impact normal use.  A search of another JL Audio forum suggested some mics are defective.  The second JL Audio representative said that I should unplug the unit and cycle the Master-Slave switch.  I tried that and it didn't seem to make a difference.

Has anyone had similar concerns?  I may be overthinking it, but I would like to address sooner rather than later, should the unit be defective given it is discontinued unit and general warranties of merchantability are time constrained. 

Thank you in advance for your suggestions.