Jitter reduction, best device?

Am wondering what is the best device for jitter reduction and for producing an analogue like sound. I've read about the Genisis Digital Lens, GW Labs Processor, Monarchy Digital Processor, Meridian 518 Processor. Are there others to consider and are there any decent reviews that compare the various devices? I run an MSB Gold dac to a Dyna amp. The sound is very good but feels a bit "clinical". Thanks.

Showing 3 responses by hens

There's a very old (1996) article from Hi-Fi News on the Monarchy website where four "jitter-busters" were tested and measured. The Monarchy was apparently the only one that successfully reduced jitter. I'm sure that in 2009, the jitter reduction devices would be measuring far better.

Personally, I've just ordered the Monarchy DIP Classic to put between the Wadia 170i and an Audio Note 1.1x Signature DAC (which does no internal de-jittering).

I plan on posting a review of the system in the next month or so.
Well I've now tried the Monarchy DIP Classic (non-upsampling) reclocking device with the Wadia 170i and the improvement in resolution was quite staggering - like the noise floor dropped significantly.

I don't know if this is the result of a reduction in jitter or the amplification of the signal voltage by the DIP but I was shocked by the impact. More details can be found in a review I posted here for the Wadia 170i but the bottom line is that with a DAC which doesn't reclock or reduce jitter (AN 1.1X Sig.) this jitter reduction device made a significant difference.
Shadorne, that certainly fits with my findings. I intend to see if I can borrow a benchmark DAC or DACMagic in the next few weeks to see if the DIP makes a difference with a DAC with its own jitter reduction system. I would expect much less impact in such a scenario but if there is still a significant difference it could also suggest that the strngth of the signal is also an important factor as the DIP amplifies this signal from around 0.5 volts to 5 volts. Should be interesting.