Jetrexpro's music on YouTube

Hi guys,

Over the years I have composed quite a bit of music and much of it for no other reason than to scratch the musical creative itch I have.  This music is sitting in drawers and cd cases and will not be heard if I don't do anything about it so over the coming months I'll be posting some of it on YouTube. The first two pieces are posted. Regards Jet.

Here is the link.

Hi Charles, I forgot about this thread and back at the first of the year I improvised this piece of music after I gave myself this gut string guitar for Christmas. Jazzy chords 😀 Take care, hope you enjoy.

It’s so good to hear from you. It has been quite awhile. Thank you for the music link, I listened twice in a row. Sweet and beautiful with a light touch. I enjoyed the chords for sure😊. I hope you’ve been well , I miss your posts on this forum. BTW that's a very good sounding guitar you have.
Charles, the guitar is by Manuel Rodriguez. It does have a sweet rich tone. I like it’s low end. Clean and punchy. It records really well. Glad you liked the music.I haven’t been able to visit AGON and post as much as I used to, but I still do a lot of music listening on my system. It’s remained unchanged for over three years. It brings a lot of music satisfaction.
Take care!