Jethro Tull

Ian Anderson has been making music for over a quarter of a century. The band he went into the studio with was Jethro Tull but the personal was either different from album to album or something on a personal level was going on with bandmates from album to album that he had to take over their playing duties. Name your top 5 Jetro Tull albums.
2)Crest of a Knave
4)Songs from the Woods
I have been buying the 24 bit remasters which sound great but also the updated liner notes by Ian tell you what "Trauma" the band was going through with each recording.

Showing 7 responses by qdrone

Is it the new 24 bit remastered? I have found the three Tull 24 bit remasters I have purchased sound great.The 24 bit remaster of Stormwatch sounds better than my original pressing vinyl IMS.I don't think my phono amp is as good as my Sony Modwright in getting all the detail. I know there is a 24 bit remastered greatest hits out there.
If you have a 24 bit CD player I really think you will find the remasters quite reasonably priced. Try Amazon and look at BOTH used and new listing for the title you are interested. Sometimes the used ones ARE NEW and the price a bargin. I like the sound of the remasters I have purchased.For me the 24 bit makes a difference.
Don't quote me on this but if you have a CD player that is making your 16 bit CD's 24 bit than it should read a true 24 bit CD with no problem. I used to have a pioneer Elite which featured there version of the upsampler it was called the Tos link. I have purchased a few 24 bit Rush CD remasters and they sound a whole lot better than the 16bit counterpart. My 24 bit Benefit sounds a whole lot better than the 16bit counterpart. More bass and less grainy in the high end.
24 bit CD's have more detail if they are recorded properly.
From your post you have a 24 bit CD player my friend and it reads all 24 bits.
Aqualung is my favorite Tull offering but you are right,this was Andersons view of what the Tull sound should be. I believe the bass player Glenn Cornick bailed after Benefit and formed a band called Wild Turkey. Anderson is Tull,he has written over 95% of everything that they recorded good or bad. The band is a vehicle for him has always been.
I picked up Catfish Rising last weekend on 24 bit remaster and it has replaced Stormwatch on my favorite list. It also has as a bonus cut a killer live version of Jumpstart where Ian Anderson pokes fun at the grammies. The song Jumpstart is from Crest of a Knave the album that won for Best Heavy Medal Album over Metalica. At the closing rondo of this song everyone comes in and just before, Ian says jokingly "O.K. we have to get our Heavy Medal band up on stage to take this song home so please hold on."
Maybe someone knows the name of the keyboard player with Tull who is now female having gone through a sex change operation. It must have been hell when he was going through his hormonal injections when they were on the road. I know he was with the band over twenty years.
The liner notes on these 24 bit remasters tells you the stories as you describe. Ian Anderson wrote them and are informative and interesting. As I stated in my initial post Jethro Tull was Ian Andersons vehichle from the start and Cornick was asked to leave because he wanted to put some of his original songs he wrote on a concept album Anderson was writing about the existence of or lack of existence of God. That album as you know was Aqualung.