Jerry Garcia’s McIntosh amp

Does anyone know what model McIntosh amp it was that Jerry used when he played live onstage?  He sure seemed fond of it and I might like to play my guitar thru one as well.  Thx,  Gordon

Showing 7 responses by rh67

Phil Lesh used McIntosh not Jerry. Jerry used a Fender Twin that was silver faced, later he was using a Mesa Boogie Mark 3 and for effects he used a Mu-Tron 3. For additional speaker application for the Wall Of Sound they used stacks of Phase Linear 400`s and later 700`s.
My reference is late 60`-70`s. I helped with their sound at about 100 concerts during this period. In the beginning Jerry was very picky about his equipment guitars were custom made except the one from Gram Nash. During the late 70`s that seemed to have changed somewhat, on more than one occasion on stage he would plug into someone else`s amp knowing or not knowing we never asked. What was done in the 80`s i do not know.
Owsley Stanley or Bear as he was called was not always around. I was young at the time and he liked me mainly because i was his back up ears in the studio as he was deaf in one ear and i would double and third check his work at his request. I do know he was very demanding of the band which lead to many conflicts. To be honest this Janet Furman i really do not remember.
chorus, Curl could have been there but you have to remember that there was at least 50 people that worked to put that sound system together and the only people at that time  were the Dead that everyone knew, no one but them at that time had a reputation and everyone else were just faces. 

I built and designed speakers and lent my ear in the recording studio. As can be seen in the video Phase Linear amps were used in the Wall Of Sound. These are what i remember as i mentioned earlier.
The early 70`s (wall of sound years) produced the best live recordings not because i was part of that it just takes one listen.

Unfortunately there is a lot of misinformation out there, people claiming this and that and some giving themselves credit for certain things. But who is left to dispute them? and the ones left do not care or have short memories. I just know that at the end of the Wall of sound i was given about 30 PL amps that i slowly sold over the years the last one just a couple of years ago. Some of the amps had printing and not script on the face plates which indicate some of the first.
Hang in there doug714.

Just to let everyone know, what we now refer to as the Wall Of Sound during the time of it`s use it was not called the Wall Of Sound that name came several years later and at a time that i was no longer involved with the band and was starting my own speaker company.

Reading thru the contributions here has brought back a lot of things that i have not thought about in decades but as with anything on the net believe about half of it, i know i was there and touched and built the equipment what is seen in one photo or video does not mean it was always that way or some writer decades later relying on second and third hand information but nowadays that can make someone an expert.