Jeff Rowland Capri preamp

Has anyone heard Jeff Rowland's new preamp, Capri, or know anything about it? It looks pretty interesting:

If no-one is familiar with this particular model, any comments on Jeff Rowland's preamps in general?


Showing 3 responses by drubin

I'm going to disagree a little. I own a Concerto preamp and have owned both the Model 1 and 201 amps. In the case of the new products, which have been on the market for a while now, I think it is beyond shameful that users manuals do not ship with and are not available for them. Balance is controlled in a sort of odd way (actually, in a very poor way from a human factors standpoint) on the Concerto, but I had to write to JRDG to find out how. Ditto for setting the display to shut off.
Here's what Rowland says about balance:
The balance control function operates in .5 dB increments with a maximum available differential between left and right of 6 dB. This is achieved by pushing either left or right balance buttons on the remote. With every push you get a .5 dB increase in that respective channel, for a net differential incremental increase of 1 dB between channels with every button push (because the opposite channel goes down .5dB also). The balance will max out at 6 dB differential between left and right. Balance is reset to center by powering down the Concerto or resetting the Concerto via holding down the mute button (for about 5 seconds) until the display turns off. There is no visual display confirmation of balance status.
Regarding the display, they say, "The display can be set to time out, but it is a factory or dealer only modification as it is a bit tricky to do this operation." However, they will walk you through it if you call them.
Is the Capri better than the Concerto? Because I had one of those and thought it was, well, disappointing.