Jeff Rowland 8T with Wilson Sasha w/p?

Considering a pair of Sasha's and wondering how my old, robust Rowland 8T will hold up? Any Rowland/Wilson combo users out there?

Showing 4 responses by aldenberry

Thanks Roxy54, I don't have any objective reason to think the Rowland wouldn't hold up. I do know that Wilson products have a reputation for being finicky, yet those I have heard to date (most recently w/p 7and the out-of-my-budget MAXX), paired with 6-figure electronics, have been breathtaking; in my case, the loudspeakers will necessarily be the most expensive link in the chain. Without an engineering background, much of audiophilia may as well be voodoo to me, and experience/listening often seems to trump anything that can be deemed from product specifications. But you're right, plenty of power and a reasonably efficient speaker combo. When I drive 100 miles for a demo, I may just have to lug the big classic amp along, which may indeed be a lifetime keeper. Just testing the waters of experience first. Thanks again.
Thanks Stratguy,
I appreciate your helpful thoughts. I have owned Genesis 5 (which accommodate anything) and Aerial speakers and have occasionally compared more recent, big dollar amps to the Rowland 8T. Nothing, so far, has measured up! Please continue to share your experience with the Sophia's (great choice, having quenched all the shortcomings of older watt/puppies) and I will with the Sasha. I see the 8T for sale occasionally, priced from $4500-6000. I'll know soon if the Rowland proves to be the best hifi decision I have ever made. I will take the 8T down to San Francisco for my Sasha audition/?purchase, and report back how the 8T fares against big-$$$ competitors. All the best!
Thanks Steve,
Reassuring feedback re. the Rowland. Jeff Beck just keeps going, getting more versatile with age. I'll have to pick up "Emotion and Commotion." I'll get back to this thread in a month or two, with a report. I promised myself I wouldn't buy any new equipment for a while, but my speakers were recently moved professionally, and mangled in the process. Now that I've reopened the can of worms, I'm also looking at computer servers. Interesting times indeed in the world of ones and zeroes. I guess I'm off my own subject! Take Care, David