Jean Gilleau-Pipe Organs?

Has anybody ever heard of Jean Gilleau 'Pictures at the Exhibition'? I recently went to a Legacy show and requested some pipe organ music to see what the Whispers could do. They played this song that stunned me. I could feel it like a kick in the gut, and I liked it. I asked them what it was and they said "Jean Gilleau-'Pictures at the Exhibition'". I've looked everywhere for this with no luck. It's the perfect tune to test a systems lows. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. PS: I thought the Whispers were awesome, if only I could find some speakers that could do that for 2 grand or under.

Showing 1 response by alvis

Try Virgil Fox plays ''The John Wannamaker Organ'' on (I think) and old Westminster WST record. Nothing like it!!