JBL Project K2 S9900 Speakers Anyone Know ???

I have been searching for new speakers and looking into Magico S1-S3, YG Caramel-Kipod, Sonus Faber a few uppers, Revel Ultima2, Focal Diablo Utopia and many are recommending the expensive Raidho but what about these?

Do they compete with these? Are they Audiophile type speakers per say in a 16x24 room. Do they image and get you super close to the music like these great speakers listed above. There is a pair that can be had for a decent price of bit less then 40% of their new retail price and the people that know them say they are better than all of the above and better than most everything but I have a hard believing that but I just don't know??? Are they really that good!! Anyone - please !!
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Showing 1 response by jeff1225

I've heard them and they are amazing. They are more dynamic and exciting than any of the other speakers you mentioned. JBL might not be big in the American audiophile community, but they are huge in Japan and Germany. Also, many diy audio systems use JBL compression drivers as they are among the best.