JBL G300 vs The Competition
Using the A & B speaker modes on my Denon DRA 395( w/ SLDC) & the generous 30 or even 60 day MBG offered by some sellers, I have decided to put my JBL G300's( $240) to the test. Tonight I will begin a comparison with my new Def Tech SM 65's($670). The speakers are set at about a 150 degree separation to provide full stereo dynamics.
The G300's produce a bass freq response of about what I consider 40 hz(JBL claims a conservative 50) while the DF's claim 30.
The music for the test is based on my desire for more bass response than the G300's on some tracks w/o being forced to resort to my Ultrasone HFI 680 Hphones.
The fact that a marked improvement in bass is indeed present through the Hphones is evidence that it is there.
The tracks tested will be:
I Feel Fine
Babys In Black-- live
Day Tripper
Tell Me Why
Twist & Shout
U Cant Do That
Old Brown Shoe-- alt version
It Wont Be Long
All My Loving
Fun Fun Fun
R & R Music
U really Go t A Hold On Me
Walk Dont Run
How Can I Be Sure
A Girl Like U
I Gonna Be All Right
Hold Me Tight
A Hard Days Night
More as the test progresses.
The G300's produce a bass freq response of about what I consider 40 hz(JBL claims a conservative 50) while the DF's claim 30.
The music for the test is based on my desire for more bass response than the G300's on some tracks w/o being forced to resort to my Ultrasone HFI 680 Hphones.
The fact that a marked improvement in bass is indeed present through the Hphones is evidence that it is there.
The tracks tested will be:
I Feel Fine
Babys In Black-- live
Day Tripper
Tell Me Why
Twist & Shout
U Cant Do That
Old Brown Shoe-- alt version
It Wont Be Long
All My Loving
Fun Fun Fun
R & R Music
U really Go t A Hold On Me
Walk Dont Run
How Can I Be Sure
A Girl Like U
I Gonna Be All Right
Hold Me Tight
A Hard Days Night
More as the test progresses.
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