JBL 250 TI or JBL 4425 please vote

JBL 250 TI or JBL 4425 please vote

I know those are two different speakers, the other has horn drivers and the other do not have those.
would like to know which the most people prefer ?
a coin flip(and 2 different beasts), but if they are pristine, I would pick up the 4425's. Classic JBL monitor type, with the viseral thud that is more often than not, lacking in a small monitor. the 250 may be the more balanced, and have the deepest bass, but we're talking jbl here, so I'll break my own rule here. Both are fun and keepers, so you can't really lose. Condition would ultimately be my determining factor.
I am with Jaybo and Hamms, ANY of those old classic JBL's. The 250 may be the "accurate" pick, but I would say grab a pair of those 4425's or 300's and play it loud and proud.

Besides throw in Humble Pie rockin the fillmore, turn it way up, and you will have "accurate" playback. Or, at least FUN playback!

Have Fun!
The 250ti's are more musical and went beyond the Just Be Loud of the older JBL's. If you get a pair, you can improve them by a significant margin by replacing the internal wire from the cross-over to the speakers. I used silver for the upper mid and tweeter and most everyone enjoyed the improvement. Not too difficult to do.