Jazz Supergroup: Hancock, Shorter, Holland & Blade

WOW! WOW! WOW! I saw and heard these guys play last night, the opening concert for this year's Ottawa International Jazz Fest. It's hard to describe just how amazing this group of jazz geniuses was last night, as they will no doubt continue to be tonight in NYC and through the summer as they tour the European jazz fests.

Apparently, Ottawa and NYC are their only North American stops before they head off to Europe shortly. If they tour the US later this year and you are the least bit interested in jazz, you must get out to see/hear them.

Simply outstanding music and musicianship. They crafted beautiful, emotional, raw, real music out of seemingly simple and understated openings. Pieces lasted 15 to 20 minutes or more as they stretched out and played with the melodies, chords and rhythms. At times the structure of a tune was stretched almost to the breaking point, but always skillfully and artfully resolved and brought back to the underlying beat. Amazing stuff! To cap it off, they came back out for an encore and played a funky, energetic "Cantaloupe Island".

Just had to share (perhaps a bit boastfully) my thoughts and hope other Audiogoners have the opportunity to witness these jazz giants together.


I had a similar experience to Ozfly when I caught Hancock last year at the Berkley performance center. Some of the more experienced folks who sat behind us were exhilirated after the concert. As for myself, gf, and a couple of friends (all relatively young and novices), had absolutely no idea what we just heard other than a few familiar tunes. Likewise, I hope to see him again at some point when my appreciation for jazz is a little more developed.
living in New Orleans I;ve caught SHorter's quintet which featured Brian Blade (a LA native) and John Pertucci. Their live cd Footprints as well as the studio cd Allegra are excellent if you want to relive your experience.

I also saw Holland's band the following year, very nice

treat yourself to those two cds if you liked what you saw

Actually, I saw Hancock and Shorter about 6? years ago in Boston with another big jazz fan and our wives. They decided to perform some very, to my ears, disjointed and nonmusical pieces. Halfway through, I was the only one left listening and it was painful. Oh well. They are true geniuses who perform wonderful music. I must have caught them on a "musicians performing for musicians" night. I'm so glad you were able to see them and enjoy their music! Someday, I'd like to see them again.