Jazz Hands

Anyone had purchased this record album by Bob James released last year ?


After all, he isn't forever and this album I believe worth having TBH.


Showing 2 responses by judsauce


"West Coast easier jazz"?

"Strikes me almost like muzak"

"Jazz for white people "?

And @bigtwin 

You guys all have your head in the sand.

Bob James may not have been among the pioneers you mentioned, but he has been a legend in his own life for many years and deserves kudos for all of his accomplishments. He goes back many years but is most remembered for his Taxi tv theme, but then went on for years with the band Fourplay, a band that was very successful both creatively and commercially. And he did many solo albums as well. One that was very special was his lp, "Playing hooky", warner bros. 1997. For all of you know-it-alls about music, you don't know jack about classical. Check out his first cut on playing hooky, "playing with fire". It's an arrangement based on Chopin's "Etude in E major, opus 10, no. 3." It's genius, and he turned it into a jazz tune that was seamless.

Then Google his recent"tiny desktop concerts", where he hired some of the best young jazz musicians to accompany him. See how he still holds a candle.

Then go pound sand. Because this guy has had a career based on talent that you are all blind in seeing or appreciating.

And you should all be so lucky to be alive at his age.



I apologize to you both,  And @elliottbnewcombjr was right,  "OP asked for Likes/Dislikes".  I think before that set in I immediately went on "don't criticize my childhood idol" mode.  I first heard Bob James in early college years and followed him relatively closely until now.  Fourplay was his mainstay for years and every musician in that band, and there were many, still have great careers today.  But I will admit, some of his material in Fourplay makes you want to break out the champale and make my best Barry White moves on my wife.

And neither of you are blind in seeing or appreciating talent.  That was an elitist snide remark on my part.

We all have heroes, we all like different stuff.  I guess I just went off the rails a bit when someone else had a different take on a musician.  So, yes, that's on me.

We all have our music idols.  I remember listening to John McLaughlin's lp, Inner Mounting Flame, when I was about 14 years old.  I was totally blown away by his non traditional time signatures for that era, 11/8, 9/8, 5/4, and mixing them all up.

That fusion era opened me up to what are today considered masters: Herbie Hancock, Pat Metheny, George Duke, Larry Coryell, Chic Corea.  The list goes on.

I was kind of taken back with the passing of Chic Corea in the not too recent past. It kind of humbles you up a bit with the realization that our heroes are just like us, mere mortals passing through. Sometime we can make a mark with our craft, our actions, our lives, or sometimes we can screw things up and say the wrong words in an innocent discussion board!!!  

Sorry again.