Jazz for aficionados

Jazz for aficionados

I'm going to review records in my collection, and you'll be able to decide if they're worthy of your collection. These records are what I consider "must haves" for any jazz aficionado, and would be found in their collections. I wont review any record that's not on CD, nor will I review any record if the CD is markedly inferior. Fortunately, I only found 1 case where the CD was markedly inferior to the record.

Our first album is "Moanin" by Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers. We have Lee Morgan , trumpet; Benney Golson, tenor sax; Bobby Timmons, piano; Jymie merrit, bass; Art Blakey, drums.

The title tune "Moanin" is by Bobby Timmons, it conveys the emotion of the title like no other tune I've ever heard, even better than any words could ever convey. This music pictures a person whose down to his last nickel, and all he can do is "moan".

"Along Came Betty" is a tune by Benny Golson, it reminds me of a Betty I once knew. She was gorgeous with a jazzy personality, and she moved smooth and easy, just like this tune. Somebody find me a time machine! Maybe you knew a Betty.

While the rest of the music is just fine, those are my favorite tunes. Why don't you share your, "must have" jazz albums with us.

Enjoy the music.

Showing 41 responses by isochronism

Victor Wooten (Bassist), Album title: "What did he say". John Coltrane rendition of Naima is one of the highlights.
Vic is da' man!! One heck of a nice guy, I agree!!!
Learsfool, that must have been great!!
John McLaughlin "Belo Horizonte"
I like all of his stuff, but this is a gem!
Orph & Rok, Ray always has had a very special place with me!! And his backround singers the "Raelettes" ... they had to "let Ray"

My offering is Jimmy Smith "Angel Eyes" with: Roy Hargrove, Christian McBride, Nicholas Peyton, Mark Whitfield, Gregory Hutchinson. Low key and mellow.
It can be turned way up, which I like!!
The follow-up album is titled "Damn" (!!)
And now with a break from our sponsors ...........
Emily Remler "Firefly" & "East To Wes"
Both with a rating of:
2 Wes Montgomery Thumbs UP!!!
Available on stereo LP and CD at all your local Korvettes stores
Now back to our pre-scheduled Debate Session.
Frogman: Why isn't Freddie Hubbard mentioned more often"
The CTI recordings introduced me to Freddie. Some feel that the CTI recordings do not represent "real" jazz. They do in my book and in front of my speakers.
He is my favorite trumpeteer'. (yes,I just made up that word for him)
"Affinity" with Bill & Toots. I am a huge fan!
Toots recently turned 91 on 4/29.
John Hart Trio "Scenes from A Song"
John (guitar) does a very nice rendition of the song, Both Sides Now - Joni Mitchell. This is an instrumental album but...
What a great lyricist she is :)
I came across this gem: Blue Bacharach
"A Cooler Shaker" (Blue Note)
A compilation of covers in the Jazz/Blues style.
My first recollection is Nancy in the tight yellow dress. You can't miss it.
I always did like this album.
I initially read your post to quickly. You were asking about the CD end...
my subconscious conjured up another end, I'm bad.
Rok2id, I am ordering this one per your well displayed good musical taste that I agree with. (female vocals do shine on my system, If I do say so myself:)
I like Dianne Reeves "I Remember" album
Schubert, I feel bad for you as I'm a big fan
I myself would go there and try if it is not too far away.
Good luck, I hope it's not too late.
Tia Fuller "Decisive Steps" features her all fully competent female band which reminds me of the old adage pertaining to women being the stronger sex.
She does allow three token Males on a few cuts :) which is: Christian McBride, Sean Jones & Warren Wolf.
They can certainly hold their own, otherwise.
I do agree with you most of times. Although, my suggestion of..
"Blue Bacharach - A Cooler Shaker" is NOT in the same category of your three Dionne CDs.
I re-address this just so that other readers here do not assume that is the case. It does have three vocal cuts, two of Nancy Wilson, one of Lou Rawls, otherwise all instrumentals of Jazz and Jazz/Blues artists. @ Blue Note records.
If you don't like it, I'd refund your money! Really
Schubert, I love you and respect your suggestions always. As far as Wynton, I feel he is a punk. In his words, his Mom brought him around for some years to live music  in hope's to encourage him to take up music. He alway's rebelliously held out until he was "11 or 12" (his words in an interview) he finally gave in and picked the trumpet..... ! We had AM radio when I was young, top pop 40. I heard Louis Armstrong outside the home and freaked out!!! I asked Mom, I get that and want to do that.                                     Asked for years...  (cue Promises Promises Warwick/Bacharach/David.  .                                        I very much enjoy  his first Classical album but none of his Jazz.                                                                         
I was four years old.... Wynton's a punk.              (I guess this is personal) 😄
Hi guys, yes Schubert, I suppose I was being slightly tongue and cheek. My term of "punk" just seemed enjoyable for me to type, at the moment. I imagine for anyone in the ranks of many accomplishments as Wynton has tallied,  keeping the ego tame at times presents difficulties. He does deserve his credits.               Pjw, What a loss, the great Roy Hargrove!              Wallace Ronny (mentored by Miles) is another great. His album Misterios, (to me) is in the vein of Freddy Hubbards' First Light.                           Again I really do enjoy Wonton's (Grammy) album with the English Chamber Orchestra.                    Darn punk  (sorry for paragraphing attempt)
It just occurred to me that I myself may be the punk, by calling  out Wynton when he is not here to defend himself... 😊 I like and respect Jack Sheldon!! After surviving a stroke, he continued playing left handed. Great musicians pull out nice tasteful imaginative runs... what miss they have developed!! George Benson blowing up chromatic runs whenever he feels like it....           I love you all!! 
John Hart (guitar) does a very nice version of "Both Sides Now". Joni wrote this so  well as not a bad version can be done of...
Stoned Soul Pucnic. Yes, I recall when their songs came out listening on top-40 AM. WABC in my case.
keegiam, That Kenny Wheeler is REALLY nice!! I will certainly investigate further. Thank you for that one!!
shubert, When Nina Simone became more well known in an interview, probably her first main one, she was asked whom her big influence was. She replied without hesitation and matter-of-factly, Johann Sebastian Bach. I'm sure it was not quite what the interviewer was expecting.
Roc, Nina's "You'll Never Walk Alone" always get's me. And you are fully correct! To me, this is the best thread on this site, guys!! 
 Nancy Wilson/Cannonball Adderly' version of "Save Your Love For Me" is my favorite. It is funny, at least to me, how any given song is "OWNED" by a particular singer, to one's self personally.
David Benoit "waiting for spring" w/ Emily Remler on guitar!!! (best thread here)!!!!
I'm surprised Gaga was chosen to sing at the Inaguration since her statement,          "I deeply regret selling my soul ....." etc.   Oh wait.. nevermind.

(forgive me I’m not up to date in current thread), I read how a member prefers a player’s tone over Pat Martino, as that player used an Archtop.Was Pat known for ever playing a Tele?? Regardless, Pat would do an exemplary job on a Sears Silvertone!!! But yea, "tone" does matter to those who notice and care. Btw, I'mfortunate to have a couple "very nice" 6 and 4 strings. (Gibson Super 400 original PAFs is KING) I don't have that. 😊

I second mahgister' thanks for Dick Garcia. I've not heard of D.C. previously,v but if he get's to play with Biil, you know he "fill's the bill" 😂