Jazz for aficionados

Jazz for aficionados

I'm going to review records in my collection, and you'll be able to decide if they're worthy of your collection. These records are what I consider "must haves" for any jazz aficionado, and would be found in their collections. I wont review any record that's not on CD, nor will I review any record if the CD is markedly inferior. Fortunately, I only found 1 case where the CD was markedly inferior to the record.

Our first album is "Moanin" by Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers. We have Lee Morgan , trumpet; Benney Golson, tenor sax; Bobby Timmons, piano; Jymie merrit, bass; Art Blakey, drums.

The title tune "Moanin" is by Bobby Timmons, it conveys the emotion of the title like no other tune I've ever heard, even better than any words could ever convey. This music pictures a person whose down to his last nickel, and all he can do is "moan".

"Along Came Betty" is a tune by Benny Golson, it reminds me of a Betty I once knew. She was gorgeous with a jazzy personality, and she moved smooth and easy, just like this tune. Somebody find me a time machine! Maybe you knew a Betty.

While the rest of the music is just fine, those are my favorite tunes. Why don't you share your, "must have" jazz albums with us.

Enjoy the music.

Showing 50 responses by mary_jo

I am glad all is ok, schubert. Good to see people being organized.

I can imagine you with a rifle. Just don’t sway with it too much. But I hope you will not reach the point of having the need to use it.

You take care too...

Interesting conversation...

However, "Miles Ahead" is now on my TV channel...

  • Miles: Don’t call it jazz man, that’s some made up word. This is social music.

Because I like Nina, that’s why...

You Can Have Him

"So you see that I don’t want him, you can have him
You can have him ’cause I don’t want him
Because he’s not the man for me"

Lol, I knew you would say that. Although we did agreed on "Nancy Wilson case" that "look" can deceive.

Moderators, cover your eyes, this is strictly about jazz and jazz only.

Happy Easter guys! I know it is not easy for some of you now but I do hope all this will be behind us very soon and you all will be able to enjoy life in full with your dearest ones.

May peace and good music be always with you.

Age of innocence.

As a little girl I once new a couple who argued and yelled at each other a lot. But strangely, never looked unhappy. The way they talked to each other appeared to be very rough to me though. So one day I asked them a question that assumed the answer, something that I still do and can’t get rid of: Why do you hate each other so much?

They looked at each other in laughter, invited me in for a cookie and with what they told me, quickly reassured me...

Lesson 1 learned
Things are not always as they seem to be

Lesson 2 learned
Everybody has their own way of love

Lesson 3 still pending
Could it be that I was simply bribed with a cookie? It was very good cookie.

Un Amore Grande ~ A Great Love
And mary_jo, thank you for the Beck clip. I understand if he may not be played much in a jazz listing, but good music is good music.
True pryso. Plus it is nice to see him supporting young talents. Here with Tal Wilkenfeld:

:--)) pryso, thank you for that. I know now what I will listen today. I do not remember that we had Bickersons here...

I have to post it here again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RRnCnO1Y2c&feature=youtu.be
Man, those were the days of our lives. What a nice video, where did you dig that from...

Where I can go now to get at least the small part of it since all would be impossible to find?

Where? Tell me. I’ll give you cookie. Then, you’ll talk.
Thanks, schubert.

Ethel Ennis

 ~ Lullabies for Losers

~ Dreamer, Dreamer

~ Love for Sale

She drew inspiration from crooners like Sarah Vaughan and Ella Fitzgerald, but her vocals were a touch less stagy, more direct. Her readings of popular songs and standards had as much in common with Etta James’s effulgent soul singing as with Fitzgerald’s elegant diction.
source: nytimes.com
Thanks fro. If Sarah and Ella weren’t mentioned in the same sentence of the nytimes review, the expression ’less stagy and more direct’ would have landed in the happier way, I agree to that. But precisely that description drew my attention since I saw Ethel the same. Clear, direct, well balanced voice that offers answers. Yep, answers that are comprehensible and are shaped through her voice. That’s the feeling that prevails when I listen to her. Something I hear first, before the rest. And I like it.
Speaking of "first"...
What I bought first was form of traditional a cappella singing that was and still is characteristic for the part of Croatia called Dalmatia. That was actually cassette tape and on the front of the tape was a picture of the whole group. I had a silly pre-teen crush on one of the guys from the group so I bought the tape just to be able to look at him. I was less into songs. But the pic was so small that his head had the size of an ant's head. Could barely see anything. Still spent all my treasure on that tape. Talking about good investment.
Only a few?  Let me tell you about the pizza, the bagels and lox........my good looks? 😊
Lol, that too! 
acman man, before I had a chance to watch your link, had to wait for an ad to pass, could not skip it. It was about this https://jawzrsize.com/
I am still laughing.

And they have jawzrsize intermediate level. I am not kidding. Start chewing guys.

Age of Innocence 2

We have a family friend, funny and charming older fellow, father of two, grandfather of five, who yells when speaks. Ok, he does not yell, he just speak loudly but for some ears and in some moments, it may sound like yelling.

When he comes to visit us, the whole neighborhood is clearly aware of that fact. He is aware of that as well so when he comes, he is not just visitin’, he is also performing.

Once I asked him to tell me when he was happiest in love. He lowered his voice in a way that was not expected, looked distant, they way people look when they go thinking, way back in the past: "When I was young boy. When I was happy just to keep her hand in mine. You know, I wasn’t walking then, I was flying."

Paul Desmond - A Taste Of Honey

:--) I am glad I evoked your good memories 0-10. I like that song and pretty much all from Paul. Thank you. 

"speaks" not "speak", "the" not "they", I am so clumsy.

Meanwhile in Japan...

The Seatbelts - NY Rush

The Seatbelts - Sax Quartet

The Seatbelts - Tank!

Sayonara <3
It took me about 10 sec, or less, am I normal? That last link, D.D.Jackson with Hugh Ragin in Ballad for Miles, that is good. More than good.

I just dropped by to say hello to all of you, 'cause I've been following your discussions and posts ever since my friend Alex has recommended me this topic.

I could not be more grateful to him for doing so since I am jazz newbie, shame to say that I've just recently allowed jazz music to become music genre of my interest ...so this topic is just what I was hoping to find, it's like having deeper insight into Jazz Wonderland. And I am travelling through time. 

Thank you all for this.

Don't wanna bother you any further so will just post something that I like and wish all of you good year. 



Thank you orpheus and pryso for the warm welcome, I appreciate it. 

The last clips are great so will boldly follow your example and post 'a voice' (but more than just a voice) of a lady whose singing I admire.


It gives me chills every time I listen to this. This song describes, if I am not mistaken, her life.


I see that you use expression 'jazzy' to describe someone's personality and I kinda like it and suppose can guess what does it mean but still, if somebody could tell me more about it...


True, her voice seems like is close to cracking but that doesn't bother me a bit and from my point of view, what counts is her power to deliver. You may not like her but surely cannot stay indifferent, 'cause this lady delivers strongly.

As for her personal life that was tightly wrapped up around her singing career, I can understand that this can bother people and can affect on the way people see her but could Billie perform the same if she hadn't had the life she had? It seems that her singing is nondetachable from her personal life. Maybe people like her precisely because of her 'crack in the voice'. The perfect imperfection.

Orpheus, thank you for the explanation of being 'jazzy'...I can imagine your jazzy friend. In Croatian language, the word 'jaz' (with one 'z') signify the amount of distance between the people or it can literary signify the great hole. For example we say...there is a big 'jaz' (distance, hole) between us.

So maybe your friend is slightly distanced towards everybody else and has the mind of his own, his own and original look or behavior. And that makes him jazzy... :)


I might be a jazz newbie but I am surely not a life newbie. From what I can see, you are trying to ’defend’ Billie (I apologize if I am wrong) as if Billie needs a defender and as if she is unwillingly exposed to the eyes of the foreigner in her sorrow.

I dare to say that Billie does not need a defender. I see her in her performance more stronger than you can imagine. Despite of the fact that I am a foreigner (therefore you surely can understand her better, that I admit), I am also a human that can ’bleed’, like her, with the same blood color.

Also, she performs on the stage and she is perfectly aware of it, yet and in spite of that, she wants to bare her soul in front of the audience by delivering the message that is so intimate for her. Again, that is what artist is for. Work becomes an art once you decide to share it with the world.

I would never call her ’sad case’, ’cause she managed to raise the experience of her tragic life on the different level and was magnificent in it and therefore remained to be great in my eyes, an eyes of a foreigner.

This is not a lecture from me to you, this is just me trying to write down what I think or feel. I know very well that you appreciate Billie. It is not hard to guess that, I do not need right context for that.


Alex, very nice songs, I enjoyed listening...

frogman, thank you for the welcome words and For All We Know, because for all I know, I like it very much.

orpheus, I do not mind Rok speaking like that but that was obviously a moment for a mutual ’rough talk’ like Tina would say, we start (do it) easy and finish rough...

I cannot open your video, is this from Kenny Clark album, so that I can find it on the another link?

I think I should have been more silent...


rok, I’ve written down ’this is not a lecture from me to you...’ precisely because I don’t want you to see me as someone who knows so little in jazz but gives you a preach about Bille. But somehow even this upsets you again...what a man...

Anyway, thank you for the link, I have read it, long time ago...

acman3, thank you!

Shorter is a giant; and still going strong.
Funny, I am reading it...still going shorter...
fro, we say, 'call me a pot, just don't break me'.
However you wish to call me, it suits me just fine...