Jazz for aficionados

Jazz for aficionados

I'm going to review records in my collection, and you'll be able to decide if they're worthy of your collection. These records are what I consider "must haves" for any jazz aficionado, and would be found in their collections. I wont review any record that's not on CD, nor will I review any record if the CD is markedly inferior. Fortunately, I only found 1 case where the CD was markedly inferior to the record.

Our first album is "Moanin" by Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers. We have Lee Morgan , trumpet; Benney Golson, tenor sax; Bobby Timmons, piano; Jymie merrit, bass; Art Blakey, drums.

The title tune "Moanin" is by Bobby Timmons, it conveys the emotion of the title like no other tune I've ever heard, even better than any words could ever convey. This music pictures a person whose down to his last nickel, and all he can do is "moan".

"Along Came Betty" is a tune by Benny Golson, it reminds me of a Betty I once knew. She was gorgeous with a jazzy personality, and she moved smooth and easy, just like this tune. Somebody find me a time machine! Maybe you knew a Betty.

While the rest of the music is just fine, those are my favorite tunes. Why don't you share your, "must have" jazz albums with us.

Enjoy the music.

Showing 50 responses by mary_jo

I think I have just ruined my previous post with the last one. It started very romantic...
I should have let somebody do some postings in between...:)))

The Queen cannot be using the common toilet paper of the common people as if she were a mere commoner!!  Royal wipes are on the way. Just 'hold' on.

That is what I tried to say between the lines, thanks God that this has not gone unnoticed! 

I am waiting but I think that I will not be able to 'hold' for long.
You dreamers do realize the smog in LA was so bad back then, the haze is what you were seeing.

Khm, sorry but I wrote two quite opposite posts which makes me well balanced in dreaming.

I can't say for 010 but I have a hunch that he is a quite tough cookie...;-) 

O10, that is extra song, not ordinary one. And I like non ordinary stuff. You made me search for Angela for more. 
O10, I like when you write stories and bring up the memories. I am sure I am not the only one thinking like this. No need to justify to anyone if I may say so. But I guess you already know that. :-) Wonderful clip on flying over the big city at night...

:)) I guess that St. Louis is not that much behind everyone else like you thought...
It seems like those were quite good days. Jimmy Smith is great, like it very much.
Rok, I was just about to play that song "Stuck in..." for the good night sleep but after your last post I need not to. Just about enough lol.
Saturday night. I wish I am in a night club now, all dressed up with heels so high that it’s better to stand still than to walk. The air is mildly heavy with just the right mixture of smoke and fresh air. Feelin’ little dizzy, can’t say is the glass of wine in my hand or live bluesy and jazzy music that stirres my blood and soothes me alternately and rhythmically...Perfect getaway, don’t wake me up before 5 in the morning...

*link with damn, damn good music*
To me, Stan is Bill Evans on the piano. When you listen them you just feel they fit together. Double tenderness in the shape of But beautiful: https://youtu.be/fl6aEZ47AVs

Speaking of "on the edge", Stan on his addiction
"I’m a recovered alcoholic. I don’t do anything anymore, but those things, those things take away ... You’re a different personality completely when you take those. For those who are really chemically dependent on anything, it’s not you."

Desafinado caught my eye few days ago. A sailing cat, a 47 footer had a name all over it and it was "Desafinado". I had to make some photos of the boat, due to my work and I was wondering why the owner gave the boat such "Out of tune" name.

If this happens to be the truth, just to let you know guys, Azithromycin (our code name Sumamed®) is an antibiotic developed by a team of Croatian pharmaceutical experts from the PLIVA drug factory. Pliva was (now belongs to Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd/Israel) one of the biggest Croatian drug factories.

According to Wiki, in the year 2016 this medicine was the 49th most prescribed medication in the United States with more than 15 million prescriptions.
Man, can’t believe it! Zagreb is not a place to go these days. After madness with virus, there was earthquake today! 5.5 according to Richter. There were some damages on older buildings and cars on the street...I see now some people are trapped, I hope that there are no casualties.

Now we just need the invasion of the grasshopers...

How long do you think this virus had been circulating in China before they went public?
I do not know, I can only speculate and that is worthless.
Herd Immunity might be the last resort. Otherwise we will survive just to stand in the soup line.
No, no, no and no. That attitude could bring us exactly in the soup line.

Herd Immunity makes sense only when you know with what you are dealing with and you want to control the spread at the same time.

Noone has the full insight into the nature of this. It can mutate in unexpected forms and could go beyond any control. It is highly contagious and can spread fast and easy among large population. I mean, who would help everyone at the same time if that would happen. There would be chaos!
In addition, there would be countless number of individuals with permanent damage in health (and later would become certain ’burden’ to the entire system not just the health system). In short, if being off the leash, it can paralyze the whole system.

The answer is only, to prevent, to test, to prevent, to test, to prevent so that humanity can buy the time till vaccine appears.

No need to stop the life in complete. The economy would severley suffer. People (especially the stupid ones) has to be educated and in majority protected. But of course, how we can possibly protect anyone or prevent anything when we can’t even provide the toilet paper in the stores. Should I even mention protective masks, gloves, etc...They are talking about damn masks as if they were made out of gold. It must be since it’s impossible to get them and if you do, you’ll pay a lot for it.

And there is also this problem in USA:
Message: better to stay home and spread the virus

For some reason people mostly like this (health) system. I guess they like it because they hope that they will be among the rich ones who can afford extreme hospitals bills but sadly, it’s more likely that they will end up selling at least a house they live in and a kidney to cover their hospital bills.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming...
Thank you Mary_jo for a sensible post, it might stop my ranting and raving, I was about to go on another rant before I read your post.

People my age are dropping like flies; that’s not exactly good news, plus I’m not feeling well after going out yesterday, but that’s not totally unusual. (not feeling well)

Now they’re arguing about ventilators! If I need a ventilator, the next guy down the line can have mine, I prefer someone to say the last rites.
O10, most of us have the similar feeling after going out into the twilight zone. You will be just fine, in Croatian we say "Nece grom u koprive!", english translation would be something like A lightning won’t strike into stinging nettle. ;-)

Take care 
Socialist Medicine benefits only the poor, in the sense than
it’s better than nothing. Slightly better.

Maybe at your place. Here not. You would be surprised to see how high level of medical care we had about 20 years ago. Now we are heading very fast to your system and we can't be happier. 

I am talking about highly sophisticated procedures not about placing bandage on a kid's play wound: 

Don't believe all the propaganda about the US medical system.  When the leaders of all these socialist countries get sick, where do they run?
They run to you but surely not to your public hospitals (and we are talking about them here). A care they seek and you offer in this case is available only to very few.
mmai, I hope you are here to stay. There is a word out there that we cook and eat new comers on this thread. Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear. Welcome!

Guys, prepare the grill...

Good jazz by the way.

That is all very beautiful, I am going to listen all songs again. T h a n k you.
When I think of Romina and Al Bano, I always hear this  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdFXexNORZk

The song had huge commercial success and was sold in millions of copies worldwide...
I used to cut hair to my father. He could go to hairdresser though, but proclaimed once that the hairdresser gave him a very bad cut by making his ears bigger than they were. In his opinion, I was cutting hair better. I told him that if he could bear the risk of losing at least one ear, than we were good to go. He agreed and I started long career as the family hairdresser.

You know, the difference between good and bad hairdresser is one week only.

Very educative:


It might be helpful in these days when we wish to or plan to turn to domestic food production.

Great drum solo.

I think you have just scared off all my chickens...

Off to find them...

Later in the backyard...
Pretty ones, where are you? Ko, ko...cluck, cluck...
O10, if there is somewhere any better option for these hard times, just let me know...
That's great answer...

I think it is easy to imagine how a dinner date with Bill Evans’ might differ from one with Thelonious Monk. Just listen to their music.
I get your point. If you were a woman and you would have to choose, who would you choose? 

fro, his voice gives me chills, haven't heard about this guy. If you did not tell me who that was, I would have thought that it was a woman singing. Very unusual voice. I have just google him, now I see...
I have been listening Astrud a lot lately. Here with Chet, they get along just fine. Surprisingly good. Or expected?

I like them both.

Far away
So different from Astrud. If Astrud's voice is on the edge to be expressionless, in a manner that it seeks no influence on nothing but just to be, than Julie's voice is quite opposite, full of expression, giving the clear message.

I like both.
