Jazz for aficionados

Jazz for aficionados

I'm going to review records in my collection, and you'll be able to decide if they're worthy of your collection. These records are what I consider "must haves" for any jazz aficionado, and would be found in their collections. I wont review any record that's not on CD, nor will I review any record if the CD is markedly inferior. Fortunately, I only found 1 case where the CD was markedly inferior to the record.

Our first album is "Moanin" by Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers. We have Lee Morgan , trumpet; Benney Golson, tenor sax; Bobby Timmons, piano; Jymie merrit, bass; Art Blakey, drums.

The title tune "Moanin" is by Bobby Timmons, it conveys the emotion of the title like no other tune I've ever heard, even better than any words could ever convey. This music pictures a person whose down to his last nickel, and all he can do is "moan".

"Along Came Betty" is a tune by Benny Golson, it reminds me of a Betty I once knew. She was gorgeous with a jazzy personality, and she moved smooth and easy, just like this tune. Somebody find me a time machine! Maybe you knew a Betty.

While the rest of the music is just fine, those are my favorite tunes. Why don't you share your, "must have" jazz albums with us.

Enjoy the music.

Showing 48 responses by curiousjim

Sticking to a theme, today’s listening started with Mary Lou Williams,  Free Spirits and   A Grand Night For Swinging.


She has put some amazing music out! I’m listening to her playing the Saint Louie Blues and it’s really hard to stop my toes from a tappin’!

 Haven’t listened to Black Christ in a while, so it will be next after Live At The Keystone Korner Is finished.


How can one say that anyone is better or worse than Peterson. They are both great pianists. I can and have listened to both for days on end.

I’ve been listening to Mammal Hands this morning. I believe they only have 7 albums out so far, but from what I have heard so far, they are well mixed and recorded.

Nothing life changing, but a very pleasant listen.


I think Chet Baker can sing better than Miles Davis.😁

I put it to reveal that not all jazz afficionados takes Montoliu ,underestimated in America, as a secondary pianist but as one who can rival Peterson in the same way Chet Baker rival Miles Davis in his own individual way


Just started my listening today with Tsuyoshi Yamamoto Trio,  Speak Low. The recording is a bit compressed, but when the bass is going to town with not much more that the high hat keeping time, I smiled.

Last night, I was watching a YouTube video from Absolute Sound. An album mentioned was How Love Begins by Nicole Zuraitis. I just started listening to it and before the first tune was half over, I liked it. Well recorded and she has good voice.  The guy in the video said it was the best Jazz album of 2023.

There’s a new album by Brian Bromberg, named LaFaro. I’m about halfway through and so far, it’s right up my alley.


listening to The Jim Rotondi Quintet,  Over Here. (2023)


Wish you’d post your favorite albums by an artist instead of just names…


I’ll check out New Mastersounds this weekend. Any album I should listen to first?


Listening to Nashville 1, I’m not sure if I’d call it jazz, but I’m really digging it! If they come to my part of the states, I’ll definitely check them out!


I’m with you. I listen to older MD only. I listened to or tried to listen to all of his stuff, but I doubt I will be listening to anything past 1970 ever again. 

Not my cup of tea.

Listening to Hiromi, Alive.  
I really like most of her albums. There’s a lot of energy in her music!

Haven’t listened to Bobby Timmons in a while, so I’m starting off with “Easy Does It”.

Has anyone here seen Houston Person lately?  He’s playing here in a semi bad area tonight and tomorrow and my wife is a bit nervous. If he’s still got it, I can probably persuade her by saying how great he still is.

Lemme know.

Serious wind and rain are pounding us, so we’re not going after all. 😕😕. So we’re going to listen to HP with a bottle of red and the lights down low.

Houston Person is definitely in my top ten sax players, although I have never actually made a list. We listened to a couple of albums last night and are going to continue our date later today.

Switching to Herbie Hancock for a few albums as they the ones I have picked out are all 40 minutes or less. Starting with  Head Hunters.

@stuartk ,

Thanks for the link. I’ll be sure to check it out tomorrow. I’ve been a Herbie fan since the mid seventies when I bought the Head Hunters album. I’m pretty sure I still have it 😁

I went to Herbie Hancock.com and I definitely found quite a few albums I haven’t heard yet. Thanks again for the link.

Only 55 albums,  what a slouch 😁😁😁


Thanks, I’ll put it on my list.

 Gilad Hekselman - Life, at the Village Vanguard

I’m taking a break from Herbie Hancock and now listening to Charles McPherson,  Reverence. (2024)


Great picks! I’ve been on the Herbie train since the mid seventies and have no plans on getting off any time soon.


Keep up the good work. I for one am always happy to listen to “New to me” music.

I’ve been listening to Michel Petrucciani since @7 this morning and every time I listen to him, I am blown away by his talent!

So sad he left us so young.

I’m going on a road trip to listen to new to me speakers, so I’m listening to a little bit of everything.  From Pink Floyd to the soundtrack from Star Wars, Rouge  One and making a playlist. I’ve got until Friday morning to get it finished.

Any recommendations?

Thanks @zlone 

I’m listening to My Funny Valentine now. This kind of music I can listen to all day!😀


To me, every tune started out well, until she came in.I found her style to be slow, almost depressing and disjointed at the same time. I read a brief review that she modeled her style after Wayne Shorter and I sure don’t see it.


I listened to eight hours of MP and did not listen to any of your suggestions. After reading your post about the documentary, I tried watching it, but my high school French is a bit rusty 😆 I do remember seeing a different doc that was in English and was fascinating and sad. Tomorrow I won’t have as much listening time, but I will check them out by the weekend.



my morning to do list turned into this afternoon to do list, so I listened to Berlin and of course, it was fantastic!


Oh and I’ll check out the doc in a bit.


Barry Harris is great! And you have something special there as it’s not on Amazon HD or Qobuz.



I saw it on Discogs and was really surprised to find a CD. I would have thought that if it was digitized for a CD it would be on Qobuz.


Sonny was wonderful.  I guess I will be giving her another listen.

Thanks for the link.


Do you have any idea what the A B C scroll is on the bottom of the Wayne Shorter, Joy Ryder video? I’ve never seen it before.




I have never heard that Ginger Baker album before. It will definitely be on today’s playlist and I’m going to look for more!



I’m really getting frustrated.  The dealer canceled again, so now I have no idea when or if I’m going to get a demo.🙁

Curiousjim, Did you find new speakers?

Love the Brandenburgs! Can’t pick a favorite, but there are a couple I listen to more than others.


I listened to Eric Alexander, Nightlife In Tokyo and really enjoyed it.

Thanks for the suggestion. 

My sister in law is visiting and last night she reintroduced me to PDQ Bach and we spent the entire evening laughing.

 Know it’s not jazz related, but the albums are fun to listen to.