Jay's Audio transport

I'm asking for thoughts on the sonic signature of the Jay's Audio CD2 MK3 transport. I'm curious about thoughts on how it may compare to older, better known upper end transports from the past. I have a HX of using Forsell transports for the last about 25 years, and I love the sound of the Forsell. It does not sound digital to me at all, running into a Forsell DAC. I also have heard the Forsell many times running into a Zanden DAC, and that was magical too, if in a slightly different way. I will likely purchase another Forsell (despite the always present potential breakdown and repair issues). However, I'm intrigued by the Jay's audio piece from a build and repair standpoint, but have encountered little about how it sounds in comparison to the heavy hitters from the past. Are there any listeners here who have specific experience with both the newest Jay's Audio and the Forsell transports?
