Jay's Audio CD Transport Repair

Hello Audigoners, I have the above transport that has started making a grinding sound and not playing disc's.  Do u know of any USA repair sires for this transport?  Thanks in advance.

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Showing 7 responses by jaymark

Thanks @thyname ​​​​@creativepart ! Not sure I understand the question from @bolong , however, if the question is about the model, it is not what u posted.

@pindac not sure I understand your comment.  I asked the question about where to get a repair done because I need this information.  This is the best CD transport I have had including the highly acclaimed Pro-ject top loader.  Asking my question is not trashing the transport or the seller.  My gawd...

@pindac let’s just call it a day. Your original response to my post and your subsequent response are hard to get my head around; as much as I would appreciate a response from the seller, knowing who to contact here in the states is comforting and of all the things for me to be upset about this won’t be one of them

@tekaudiospecialties1 @jackd thanks for the response. It will be a couple of weeks before i get to the lakehouse again but when i do i will follow your instructions. If this does not fix things then I will be back in touch

Again, many thanks to all of u have replied to this post

@creativepart I found a video instructing on how to do this.  Looks fairly straightforward.  I am gonna give it a shot!

@creativepart is there a video for showing how to replace the Jays audio disc drive?  I tried everything suggested above but it did not fix the problem.  Thanks.