Japanese tube amps. Wavac, Air Tight, Audio Tekne, Komuro etc.

Who is familiar with them ? Just curious. They are never discussed on Audiogon. Japanese understand how to work with tubes as well, I heard.


inna, It’s 20 watts per channel with 8 and 16ohm taps off some top class and quite substantial output transformers. I have built my own speakers: A pair of 15ohm LS3/5As from Falcon Acoustic kits, and to run in parallel with them, I converted a pair of RAM DS60 monitors to subs using DIY AB1 x-overs modded with with L-pad attenuation to balance the room. the 3/5As sit on sorbothane pads on top of the subs, which sit on short Attacama stands... it’s a fantastic combo. I also have a pair of early Rogers 15 ohm 3/5As, and a pair of AB1 subs, but currently I like the home built ones more, as I can adjust the HF response by design of the x-overs and the RAMs are sealed so have more control and respond to the push-pull with more accuracy. I hope that paints the picture.