Jan Allaerts cartridges

Any experience out there with this highly-touted line of Belgian hand-made cartridges? An alternative to Koetsu perhaps? Thanks in advance!

Showing 6 responses by musikdok

FYI for anyone following this thread - only the top-of-the-line Allaerts ($6000) has an unusual load requirement of 845 ohms. The remainder of the line has a 100 ohm requirement with 150pF capacitance. BTW I noted that the boron-cantilevered MC1 was the "editor's choice" in HiFi Choice magazine's directory. Didn't see the actual review.
Just a quick follow-up for those interested. I spoke to the importer, and Mr. Allaerts does in fact manufacture hand-made cartridges in Belgium. They range from $1500 (reviewed in the recent Listener issue) to $6000. He reportedly makes about 50-55 cartridges per year. Not sure for how long they have been produced, but they are (reportedly) gaining a good reputation in Europe. Any experience 'from the field' would still be appreciated.
Dealer solicititations aside, it was also Mr. Dudley who reviewed the Allaerts in the recent Listener issue, and the entry level model at that. He considered it 'a truly great cartridge' at U.S. $1500. I would appreciate further comments being geared towards the Allaerts line only. Thanks!
I appreciate your continued input Slawney - it was never my intent to 'blast,' only to clarify. I must admit that my interest in Allaerts arose initially from my being a happy owner of a Michell Delphini, having read that much of the refinement of the unit was done via an Allaerts cartridge/Michell Orbe (can't recall the arm - SME-V perhaps). Since then I have found more positive references to the Allaerts line. I fully agree in theory your view that (presumably) such a high quality transducer cannot function optimally via a substandard phono stage (insofar as the phono hierarchy of table-->arm-->cartridge holds true) Have you perchance heard an Allaerts through a Delphini? If so, what is your opinion?
To any who may be interested, after a months-long wait, I have at last received my Allaerts MC-1 Boron cartridge, which I decided to buy sound-unheard from an off-shore dealer (having not imposed on either a dealer - [are there ANY in the U.S.?], nor the importer), and the sound is WONDERFUL, even right out of the box. VERY natural and musical to my ears, as opposed to the somewhat "mechanical" sound I experienced with Benz (in my system, to qualify that one). NO compatibility problems with the phono stage. Yes, YES - hand-made in Belgium in limited quantities, preferred by Simon Yorke. A long wait, to be sure, but worth it nonetheless. Forgive my extreme enthusiasm, but this is my first true *high-end* cartridge! If anyone is interested (Mr. Porter?), I'd be happy to fax them a copy of the spec sheet for the line. Cheers, -John
Thanks for bringing your erudition back to the thread, Slawney! Your previous comments regarding Allaerts played no small role in my decision to go "off the beaten track" in my quest for a true high-end moving coil. Your "estimations" of the specs regarding the MC-1 Boron are right on! I'm happy to report that there is apparent synergy with the Delphini. My modest system has definitely gone "up a notch" (or two). Thanks again, -John