Jan Allaerts Cartridge Experience?

I've heard some good things about the Jan Allerts MC1B and MC1B Mk II cartridges . These seem pretty rare and there seems to be limited fedback on them.

Do any of you have direct experience? If so how do they compare to other top cartridges, e.g., Zyx, Lyra, Dynavector, Koetsu, Clearaudio?

Thanks for the feedback.

Showing 6 responses by aoliviero


Thanks for clarifying. Do you rememebr the output voltage of your Allaerts? Apparently the older MC1B had a lower output than it does today. Today's version is 0.5mv.


Thank you for your very detailed and passionate response. Seems like this is a good one.

With respect to your comment:

"Unfortunatelly for you my MC2 Finish has nothing to do with your today electronics.",

do you mean that the output voltage of the MC Finish of ~0.2mv is too low for my CAT Ultimate preamp?

When you said "Btw, the MC1B mates good with your phonopreamp.", once again are you referring to output voltage and/or sonic signature?

Finally, does the MC1B have a similar sonic signature to the Finish? How does the MC1B compare to the cartridges/brands I listed, e.g., Lyra Helikon; Zys Airy 2, 3; .

Thanks Raul.

That's very valuable information. Seems like ~0.5mv would be possible but requires special care. Where was the volume set in most cases (of course depends on speakers)? 12-2 O'clock?

The MC1B MkII actually has 0.7 mv output which would probably fare better. My frustration is that there aren't many "great" cartridges much above 0.5-0.7 mv.

Do you still have your CAT pre? What cartridge do you use now?

Thanks for your inputs.

Thanks. Comfort is a good thing. I'm getting more and more comfortable every day as the system is coming together.

New question: How does the Allerts do with a diet of 70% rock, 30% Jazz/classical? Does it have the "punch"? Are the Lyra or Zyx line better with these musical tatses?


I have some information to share with all of the folks interested in these cartridges.

I have been trying to assess the method that Jan allaerts uses to specify his output voltage. I contacted him and he told me that he uses the following convention:

5cm/S , 1 KHz

Hope this helps some.
