Hi Audioman58,
Do Jam caps sound lean or full body like Duelund Cast Copper? Can you compare sound of Jam to Jupiter Copper caps? I use Audio Note Copper in my phonostage. But I want to upgrade them to something more open and transparent but with the same lush, honey sweet midrange.
Regards, Alex.
Did anybody compare
JAM to
Copper or CAST-PIO Tinned Copper? |
Hi grannyring, Thank you for reply! Now I’m using Audio Note Copper capacitor in EAR834 phonostage between first and second tube. This capacitor works in the circuit without feedback. So the quality of this capacitor should make a big difference. The problem is AN Copper are very lush and sweet in a mid-range like Duelund Custom-CU, or even more! And I like the tonal balance of my phonostage. I just want to make it more transparent. I afraid that Jupiter Comer can make vocal sound a little bit thin. Regards, Alex. |
How much time does take burn-in of Jupiter? Do they sound bad during burn-in like Duelund RS do? |
I did burn in
speed up
for 4uF Duelund RS using Frybaby2 cable burner. It helps. But in any case, it needs some number of hours of natural burn-in after a harsh Frybaby2 burn-in. |
I received Jupiter capacitors and start running them in Frybaby2. I think 3 days of a fast burn-in will be enough. |
I burned
Jupiter Copper
3 days in Frybaby2. I soldered capacitors into my phono-stage and listened. After that I connected Frybaby2 to phono-stage and run it about one hours. This extra hour didn’t do any difference. The tonal balance after installing new capacitors was even. It looks like capacitors path about 90% of break-in. Compared to Audio Note Copper capacitors that where before in phono-stage, Jupiter capacitors have more high frequency extension and bigger base. They have much more resolution in all frequencies spectrum included lower midrange. All violins, saxophones, trumpets have more body and midrange tones. Soundstage became more 3d and further. Arensky trio with Heifetz- Piatigorsky sound more energetic and emotional. Most of jazz music sound more real. But on rock music Jupiter capacitors show more records flaws too. I can compare Jupiter Coper to Duelund Custom Cu capacitors directly. But I changed Audio Note to Duelund Custom Cu in my integrated amplifier, so I can compare Jupiter Copper to Duelund Custom Cu capacitors indirectly. This comparison is based on my memory and not too accurate. Duelund Custom Cu capacitors have bigger, deeper and slower base. Jupiter Copper capacitors sound faster and very energetic. Duelund Custom Cu capacitors have lusher, richer low midrange on vocals. Duelund Custom Cu maybe a little better in term of tone.
Yes, I'm agreed. Cooker works different compared to
break in with music. Very long
break in with music always makes sound better and long
break in with cooker sometimes makes sound too dull or bright. But in this case with Jupiter capacitors, cooker helped me to pass quickly the most annoying first stage of the break in. I ordered a pair of 1uF Jupiter Cu capacitors for my phono-stage (build based on EAR834 schematics) output stage. The thing that impressed me most in Jupiter Cu is exceptional micro-dynamic that makes classical music sound very emotional. |
FryBaby2 is not to expensive. It costed me less than a pair of 1uF Jupiter Cu. |
Hi Grannyring,
How does change sound of Jupiter Copper after 100 hours? Is it become quieter, warmer, smoother, more open, more dynamic?
What kind changes of sound does make Duelund silver bypass?
Did you try Duelund Cu-Sn bypass?
Regards, Alex |
Hi Grannyring,
Did you try to use Duelund bypass capacitors for bypassing powers supply capacitors in electronic (amplifiers, pre-amplifiers, phono-stages)? Regards, Alex. |
Hi Grannyring,
What values of Jupiter capacitors did you bypass with Duelund bypass capacitors? Does it work well with 0.1uF Jupiter? Regards, Alex. |
Hi Grannyring, Thank you for advice. You are single person on Audiogon who answered my questions. Sorry. My English is not perfect. But I'm a new comer in Canada and English is my 4th language. Audio is my hobby during last 20 years. Jupiter capacitors in my phonostage are continuing to break in. The sound is still changing. It was a little bit thin. After that, it was too lush. Now it becoming slowly more neutral. When it settle done, I will decide if I need to add bypass capacitors or Jupiters without bypass are good enough. In any case I afraid to bypass 0.1uF capacitor (because it is before RIAA correction) and results can be unpredictable. If I need, I will bypass 1uF output capacitor. |
Hi Eric,
Actually you can to try Duelund 16 AVG Cu-Sn wire for hook-up inside your speakers and as a speakers cable. In my system it works very good as speakers cable. |
Hi Eric, I ansfered a number of questions in other discutions, for example, about Duelund wires but nobody answered me... Regards, Alex.
After adding the second pair of Jupiter Cu into my phonostage output, sound became more smooth and transparent by too polite and a little boring. So, I decided I have to add more bite, more hot pepper to the sound of my phonostage. I just ordered Duelund CAST Cu-Sn bypass capacitors...
I use Jupiter capacitor in phonostage built by EAR 834p schematics (with some upgrades). The first pair
(left and right channel) of Jupiter
I use between 1st and 2nd stages. The second pair I use between 3rd stage and output. |
Hi Pumpweel,
I don't have experience with Jupiter in crossovers. But I have experience with Jupiter Cu in electronics and with Duelund Cu-Sn Bypass in crossovers. It is just my IMHO. If you like sound of your system with Audyn True Copper Max, you can just add Duelund Cu-Sn Bypass. It will make sound more vivid and testy with more 3D soundstage. If you don't like your current sound OR you want more smooth sound with more polite upper midrange and more detailed lower midrange go for
Jupiter Cu upgrade.
Regards, Alex. |
I have Bypass Tinned Copper. They sound very tonal reach, vivid and musical. I never tried Bypass Silver. But most of people like them a lot. According Jeff: http://jeffsplace.me/wordpress/?p=12323"
Now comparing the 0.01uF caps in context: The Sn-Cu sounds more vivid and colorful, with more emphasis on the first attack of a note in the upper mid-range (which aids things like melody & beat), the timbral textures sound a little more “real” to me, and more nuanced. They also “open up” the music in an intriguing way, and seem to amplify the “acoustic roughness” of music a little, which provides more emotional engagement. The Ag bypass caps sound smoother and less dramatic, are more elegant and softly nuanced, with a more laid back and distant presentation, a little bit like you’re listening from mid-hall instead of the front-hall like with the Sn-Cu." |
I instaled Duelund Cu-Sn bypass capacitors into my phonostege, bypassing Jupiter 1uF output capacitors. Before that I did 3 days burn-in of Duelund Cu-Sn bypass capacitors in FryBaby2, Yes I got what I expected. Vivid guitar and piano strings and much more real cymbals. But I lost violins main tone. It was sound like an upper-midange dominated over a lower-midrange. I run FryBaby2 during 8 hours connected to phonostage input directly, bypassing SUT. FryBaby2 was working in lowest voltage MC mode. Phonostage was on, and amplifier was off. It gave a very significant improvement. It make sound better, more musical all-around and the lower-midrange become more rich in tone too. But still violin sounded a little too thin. Than I tried to change interconnect between phonostage and integrated amplifier from Acrotec 8n 2080 to Duelund DCA20 (with Duelund Cu RCA connectors) and DCA16 (Switchcraft RCA). Both Duelund interconnects made violin sound natural. So, pure Cu-Sn Duelund solution works the best!
What I like about Duelund Cu-Sn bypass capacitors - they make sound savoury. And even some bad or boring records start sound good and exciting.
I didn't try
Duelund Ag
bypass capacitors
. So I can't compared
Cu-Sn to Ag. |
Hi @grannyring ,
Does a capacitor quality in the 2nd order speakers LPF make a big difference? If yes, Which producer and type can you recommend (I need 8uF)?
Do you like Jupiter VT?
Regards, Alex. |
Have anybody tried to use Duelund JAM for bypassing electrolytic capacitors in power supply? |