Jadis I50 vs DA50 signature

Hi all, what would you all comments for the two Jadis model above?If power wasn't taken into issue?!
Or simply go for the JA30?I have some tube preamp as well that should be easily fit well into the JA30. But for tube amps, I have bias for either KT88, KT120 or 150. I still prefer using 6CA7 or EL34 etc...
Any thoughts or comments would be much appreciated! 
I'm interested in this as well. Called a few dealers and they could not articulate the difference between the two lines. Anyone had experience?
divertiti, We are authorized dealers for Jadis.  We have heard all the models mentioned above side by side. Please give us a call, we would be more than happy to help. 

Those JA30 MKII amps with KT150s and ECC82/83 tubes look pretty darn tempting. I run a similar tube compliment (other mfg) using KT150s in front of big transformers with really good vintage input/driver tubes, top-shelf coupling caps - in a simple design. Did not think I’d say this, I don’t miss my beloved EL34 amps any more. Those little mono 30 amps are pretty cool if you can swing it and match them up to the right speakers. Put a nice preamp in front of them and be done. On my amps, with manual bias when I back down the bias to 40ma per KT150 tube the sound stage recesses a bit and they sound a bit like EL34s with a tad more air and weight, and can take on more of a triode effect when paired with really good vintage input tubes. Pretty neat.
I am thinking of pulling the trigger on one of these 2 marvellous amps to replace my DA30. 

Pros I see.
 DA50 - Power Tube Rolling, 20Hz to 35kHz, Lower cost 
I50 - Newer, More Power, More different to my DA30

Is there more people out there now who can give feedback please? 