Italian speakers:Sonus Faber,Chario,Diapason,Opera

I want to hear from those of you who have owned different Italian speakers from Sonus Faber, Diapason, Chario, or Opera. Which one is your favorite and why? We all know that Sonus Faber is by far the most popular in the US, but has anyone had a pair of one of the other 3 and liked them better? I have owned Sonus Faber Extrema, Guarneri Homage, EAI, and Diapason Adamantes III in the past. My favorite was the SF Extrema, but the Diapason Admantes were IMHO the best looking of the bunch. I don't want to hear from SF lovers who have never heard one of the other 3 speakers. I know SF well enough, just want to see if any others like one of the other Italian speakers better.

Showing 1 response by martykl

Upscale Audio in Upland, Ca has Opera and Sonus Faber.

The problem with the brand comparison you seek IMHO is that SF has changed its "house sound" pretty radically over the years. I've had a pair of Minuettos in my office for over 20 years and a pair of Cremonas in my living room for the last 7 or so. IMHO, the "romantic" sound of the SF line in the early years has been replaced by a much more neutral sonic signature of late.

The Opera line - on the couple of occasions that I've heard it - has consistently fallen somewhere in between, tho to my ear closer to the early SF sound.

I don't want to overstate that conclusion about the comparison of the two brands. It's more of an impression than anything else because my auditions were not extended, price controlled, or particularly focused. In the end, however, that was my take - FWIW.