It was 44 years ago that...

Parlaphone released the Beatles 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'.
What other albums can be considered having as much impact, actually altering the direction of a music genre?

Showing 1 response by nrchy

It's interesting that no one mentioned the period when Dylan and The Band were noodling around in the basement. Eric Clapton disbanded Cream after hearing what The Band produced during that time i.e. Music From Big Pink. Lots of musicians claimed that Music From Big Pink changed their lives and the way they thought about music.

The Beatles moved sharply away from the sound of SP as Dylan continued to influence John Lennon and George Harrison. I think he had little influence on McCartney because he walked out of the room when Sir Paul tried to play it for him. I do believe there was a lot of friendly competition between The Beatles and Dylan, but Paul has really done very little noteworthy music since losing his foil in Lennon.

The Beatles influenced Dylan to go electric, Dylan influenced the Beatles to write real songs as opposed to the drivel they did on their early LPs.