It's time to replace my 2009 factory-modded Wadia S7i with a current R2R DAC.

Having finally emerged from the rabbit hole of review leading on to review (doubting I'd ever come back),  I found that most  assess their DAC's performance based on source input from computers or servers. 

But I have a collection of cd's that I wouldn't live long enough to load  into a server, nor do I foresee streaming from commercial libraries or using USB/HDMI connectivity.

So, my question:: do present-day machines perform equally as well using native mode PCM hard discs played from a transport ?

Oh and ..have any lovers of the Wadia house sound found  equivalent sound in a R2R DAC ?


- John

Showing 2 responses by dsper


I may not be on point here, but I had a Hegel HD20 DAC and moved to an old Theta Pro Basic 3 R2R ladder for $500.

The Theta gives a lot of detail and is the best DAC I have had in my system.

Thanks for listening,



FWIW, just wanted to would add a comment to this older thread.

I was using an eight year CD player with a Phillips Transport connected to my old Theta ProBasic III DAC.

I upgraded to a PS Audio Perfectwave transport about six weeks ago connected to the same Theta DAC.  

The improvement is amazing. Much more detail across the audio band with a lot more PRAT and presence.

EVERY CD is sounding better.

Thanks for listening,
