It's October I want to hear horror stories about equipment.

What happens when good equipment goes bad? Are you the kind of person that can't leave well enough alone? Did you hear the one about the wife that shot the McIntosh? My mother sold my original Beatles albums at a garage sale for $1.00!!! Never mind about U.P.S. we all know about those clowns.

Showing 1 response by tok20000

I once bought a $5000 amplifier [the brand will remain nameless] that blew up (smoked) when I turned it on the first time. Luckily the warranty covered the repairs.

I also had an amp that (when I first hooked it up) osilated, and it ended up blowin some of the drivers on my right channel.

Anyway, after both incidents, I was pretty upset. These are the risks you run when you buy used gear. Luckily the above two incidents only cost me about $200 total for shipping and repairs.

