It's not the sound I want!

My system consists of a Krell kav300i, Aeriel Acoustic 6s and AdcomGCD750. I have Cardas cables , Jenalabs interconnects and Synergistic Research ac chords. It sound great at times but I find many cds hard to listen to. I listen to vocals with acoustic guitar and the guitar sounds detailed but so metalic and unnatural. It sounds like sombody is playing a saw with a bow. Is this what digital really sounds like? Is it sytem matching? I dont think it is the speakers. Is it just a matter of settling for the best we can get for $8000.00 and limiting what we listen to?

Showing 1 response by bmpnyc

I have listened to the Aeriels with Classe` equipment and I can assure you the problem is not the speakers. They are wonderful with the Classe` gear. Try "The Cable Company", They will let you audition Harmonic Technology cables. They are not expensive (relative to your system) and at the least can let you relax a bit while listening to the Adcom. I think they may help you here. You dont have much to lose by trying them out. Good luck. Let us know how things progress.