It's all local now

You guys and gals tell me? How could the Beatles exist now? Or really any of the hundred or so bands that made it fairly big in the 60's and 70's? How does anyone make it big anymore? In the past an artist would get on the radio, sell a whole bunch of albums and go on tour to make it big. Now, because there is really no record company push/ads to sell an artist, how the hell does any artist get big? So, since a band or artist can't rely on album sales or their record company to become popular or to finance their tour how do they become popular or world famous? Isn't it the end of big time world famous rock stars? No more stadium or maybe even arena tours of big bands. Really, your looking at local bands playing live at local clubs. Yes, the absolute best will play be able to play big clubs or college halls around the country or even overseas. But, to me, the sad fact is young folks no longer will have their musical hero's like we did and be able to listen to them in ultimate sound in a big concert setting. Tell me how I'm wrong?

Showing 1 response by ejlif

I think you're wrong in thinking the end all be all way to see a band is in a huge stadium. Those have been the worst shows ive ever been to. I remember seeing pink Floyd about 20 years ago and you could see the drummer hit the drum and then 1/2 second later hear the sound lol. I have never heard good sound in a huge stadium and it would take a lot to get me back. If you ever got to see a big band before they were big in a small club you are usually considered lucky. I for one could care less if any one band gets huge. I like the gigantic variety of music available these days just goes to show what a big world we live in.