It's a Soul Thang

My son and I have been on a now extended Soul music kick. Late 60's-mid 70's stuff, after some of the artists evolved from pop, before a lot of artists turned to disco, and way before what is now consider R&B. You know, Al Green, Aretha, Stevie, Gaye, Withers, Billy Paul, Mayfield, Temptations, Spinners..etc. Looking for some of the perhaps less obvious choices that folks enjoy that they'd like to suggest for fleshing out and expanding our collections! Thanks.

Showing 6 responses by 4yanx

OK, I saved a few memory cells and looked it up. Apparently The Horse was done first by a group called The Preparations and the real title was Get-E-Up! Cliff did it later.
Just what I had on mind Fmpnd. Tower of Power performed a while back near here and were still great. I'd also add Harold Melvin among others. Many you mention are those that I remember well when mentioned. Funk is cool, too. Bootsy, Parliament and all.....and of course, JB goes without needed mention! :-)

How bout some specific titles, too. Some artists kinda were around the board. For instance, the Temptations. Many only think of My Girl and such as that, but Sky's the Limit and Psych Shack are very different - the long version of "Smilin' Faces" (on Sky) is to be blown away by - very "urban" and with a killer, repetetive bass lien that draws you in like a magnet.
All excellent nominations. Booker T has always been a favorite! I look forward to your titles Mknowles. Thanks to everyone so far. I generally find that Soul is very underappreciated and I'm glad to see some fans here.
Michael, thanks. We've only two of those you listed, so let the hunting begin!
David and Eric (when saying "4" I look at it as me, my wife, and two sons! So maybe "2" is more appropriate in this case. Ha!)