It is about time, a video projector tale

I know many of you use your two channel systems to power your home theater. I have seen several systems like mine with a big screen between the speakers so I know you are using projectors and Like me are probably tired of replacing bulbs and having to wait till nighttime when it is dark enough to get a decent picture. Washed out daytime pictures getting steadily worse as the bulb ages. Like me you were probably eyeballing laser projectors with three times the light power and bulbs that last 20,000 hours (20+ years) that don't steadily dim as they age. But, the prices made you sick.
Well, I have thrilling news for all of you. LG has released a two laser projector the AU810PB costing $4000. The reviews were outstanding so I captured one from B+H Photo. This think is FN FABULOUS! It is brighter than a flat screen TV. Turn on all the lights. It does not matter. I am not a video aficionado but the picture looks great to me. Leave it to the South Koreans to bring this tech down to a reasonable price and kick the Japs in the nuts. The $40,000 Sony projector with the fancy lens has an archaic light engine in comparison! You can now have a big picture and not have to mortgage your house for it.  


Showing 1 response by hoosierinohio

Got an old Mitsubishi projector that is still on its first bulb and came with a second.  Still working great and being in the midwest, got the theater setup in the basement, so no light washout.  That said, great to know technology is marching onward.  Will have to check it out.  Thanks for the info.