Issue with Phono Playback.

I'll be the first to admit that I'm a complete newbie to the world of high quality audio equipment. I've started my quite humble collection with a project debut 3, vintage sony receiver, and grado RS2's. Now that I've prostrated myself to the audiophile gods that frequent this forum I'll get to my issue.

First issue is that with the volume at a moderate level without the needle touching the record I can hear a bit of snow through the headphones.

Second, on certain vocals when the singer hits a high note I can hear what sounds like a "plosive". Sort of the sound that the player makes when the needle is lingering in the middle of the record.

Where in my set up could these problems be?

Thanks in advance for your time and consideration. Please be gentle.

Showing 1 response by tim_j_thomas

Check for information on headphones and headphone amplifiers. There are dozens of choices ranging from $80 to well over $1000. You will often find heapdhone amps for sale by members there who are looking to upgrade.

In the interest of disclosure, I use a HeadRoom Micro headphone amp at work ( and a Mapletree Audio tube headphone amp at home (
