Isotek EVO3 Syncro UNI

Hi All,

I did some researcher and can't find mutch user input on the Isotek EVO3 Syncro Uni. I am thinking in buying one, to connect it to my power conditioner, and would like to know it it delivers what it promises or more?


thanks for your input




Showing 1 response by macdude

Syncro Uni is really a no brainer upgrade.

I’ve had the Syncro cord in the past, but I wanted to be able to use my own power cords.

And that’s also the drawback with the unit - it gets expensive requiring 2 power cords if you’re using good cords.

It gets rid of the harshness and grunge, improving performance with no drawbacks (other than the cost of 2 cords).

I also have an Isotek Genesis one and I wish it had this DC canceling built-in.