MGE certainly makes one of the best, if not the best.
If the supply in your existing amplifier is well designed then you are not likely to need an isolation transformer feeding it. However, if you are using one of those modern switching amplifiers that seem to be in vogue, or have known power quaity issues then the iso transformer can be invaluable. It also provides a degree of surge protection.
Be advised that, due to the heavy demand that the power amplifier can impose on a power line when charging it's bus capacitors, you will want to oversize the iso transformer by approx. 50% if it's an analog amplfier (class A or AB).
If the supply in your existing amplifier is well designed then you are not likely to need an isolation transformer feeding it. However, if you are using one of those modern switching amplifiers that seem to be in vogue, or have known power quaity issues then the iso transformer can be invaluable. It also provides a degree of surge protection.
Be advised that, due to the heavy demand that the power amplifier can impose on a power line when charging it's bus capacitors, you will want to oversize the iso transformer by approx. 50% if it's an analog amplfier (class A or AB).