In order to get to the bottom of turntable isolation stands, one needs look to..............."the bottom".
Bottom meaning what are they standing, sitting, resting on?
Lets assume we have two rooms
1) Two identical turntable stands, 2) two same audio kits and 3) two same rooms (3- highly unlikely but used to reinforce the example)
Now one room has a concrete floor, the other is a suspended wood floor.
Findings will be either this <--------- or ---------> that.
Just saying. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
some of these forum threads can go 30, 60, 70 + posts, + pages, before the dreaded loop mentioned above is realized.
Audiophiles have been known to go to great lengths to deal with the suspended floor issue.
This paves the way to higher prices (and mark up) by the stand makers.
Bottom meaning what are they standing, sitting, resting on?
Lets assume we have two rooms
1) Two identical turntable stands, 2) two same audio kits and 3) two same rooms (3- highly unlikely but used to reinforce the example)
Now one room has a concrete floor, the other is a suspended wood floor.
Findings will be either this <--------- or ---------> that.
Just saying. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
some of these forum threads can go 30, 60, 70 + posts, + pages, before the dreaded loop mentioned above is realized.
Audiophiles have been known to go to great lengths to deal with the suspended floor issue.
This paves the way to higher prices (and mark up) by the stand makers.