Isolation platforms for turntables

I am in searching process for buying one. My tt is very near to one of my speakers. I do not feel any disturbance in sound bit i like the idea of isolating my tt, any interference, and i think i will see benefits of this(dont ask why :) )

I found a lots of brands, lots of models, lots of diy ideas. Symposium, vibraplane, acoustic revive, hrs, sra, townshed many brand, many platforms.

I really like to know whoch one you are using and what benefits you have earned for your beloved turntable.

Showing 1 response by downunder

Symposium Ultra DOES NOT isolate anything. It changes the resonant frequency of what it is supporting, nothing more.

For less than $100 try compression springs.

Sounds better than my Symposium Ultra which now sits under my amp and my SRA platform made specifically for my TW turntable which sits in its box alone and lonely. anyone want to buy it?