Isolation platforms for turntables

I am in searching process for buying one. My tt is very near to one of my speakers. I do not feel any disturbance in sound bit i like the idea of isolating my tt, any interference, and i think i will see benefits of this(dont ask why :) )

I found a lots of brands, lots of models, lots of diy ideas. Symposium, vibraplane, acoustic revive, hrs, sra, townshed many brand, many platforms.

I really like to know whoch one you are using and what benefits you have earned for your beloved turntable.

Showing 1 response by 11flat6


Vibraplane platforms come in passive & active-air isolation versions. both have limitations from a practical point of view. the cheaper passive version relies on a hand-pump to manually pump & level the unit's internal air reservoirs which slowly deflate over time (more on this below). the active-air isolation version needs to be attached to an outboard air compressor which can be impractical for some people (even tho the compressor is reputed to be quite silent & only comes on periodically).

the main problem i have with the passive version is its lack of self-leveling. this has resulted in several "compatibility issues" during my years of ownership. i've had heavy record clamps tilt the entire platform when applied / removed (affects tonearm's antiskate & tracking angle) & thus required frequent platform leveling & re-leveling. this attribute also causes it to be completely incompatible with most linear tracking arms.

all in all, it required considerably more effort than i'm willing to put in (regardless of performance) & i've opted to replace mine with an active isolation platform from Herzan.