Isolation Platform - to be or not to be for CDP?

Right now, I am restricted to a fairly sturdy all wood cabinet to house my equipment. I was considering a custom mapleshade 2" platform to be supported by metal inserts or dowels to go under my CDP. Is this a worthwhile (~$200) investment given the type of cabinet. Eventually I will go to a better rack but that is probably at least several months out on the horizon. Any advice, as always, is greatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by cello

I agree that Aurios would be a great help in improving the sound of your CDP.

Far better than Aurios, get a set of Symposium Roller Blocks with Grade 3 Tungsten Carbide Balls (or start with grade 25 TC balls). You can find them used on Audiogon for around $ 275.00 - $ 300.00.
You can use the Roller Blocks in conjunction with whatever platform you choose and the sonic improvement is terrific.