Isolation platform for non suspended turntable?

I am currently using an SME 10 turntable on the top tier shelf of a Sanus System CF-5 component rack. I have heard recommendations for the Townshend seismic sink, Bright Star Audio componenets (e.g. Air mass 3 in conjunction with a BIG ROCK,), and Symposium Ultra isolation platform. I also hear the Sound of Silence products are very good but are a little pricey. Do any of the Audiogon members have any suggestions/recommendations?

Showing 1 response by bright_star_audio

Hi Chuck,

It is important to keep in mind that vibration that affects turntables (and all other components) does not only come up through the rack from the floor. The most effective vibration control product will not only provide a barier to floor-borne vibration but will also have the ability to absorb and dissipate unwanted vibration out of the turntable's chassis that has been created inside the turntable by the spinning motor and platter and has traveled directly through the air from the speakers towards the turntable's outer chassis. Most vibration control products only have the ability to deal with floor-borne vibration and the majority of those are limited in their ability to do even that effectively.

It is also critical that the vibration control product not add its own contribution to the signal flowing through the comoponent. Vibration control products that are constructed from materials that ring (stone, metal, glass, etc.) or materials that resonate (wood, acrylic, plexiglas, plastic, etc.) should be avoided.

Best Regards,

Barry Kohan

Disclaimer: I am a manufacturer of vibration control products.