Isolation for power line conditioner?

I have heard that many gain good results by providing isolation for their PLC units and was wondering what type of suggestions/experience folks out there may offer. I do currently have my line conditioner (Sound Application XE12-S) on a slab of MDF on aluminum cones. I put this together awhile back for the PLC I had at the time, and chose this route simply cuz I had the stuff lying around and it seemed to be better than nothing. That aside, considering this particular unit is, I believe, primarily a passive component, what solutions and ideas can you throw my way? Thanks in advance!

Showing 1 response by liguy

I have been selling electronic test and measurement equipment for the better part of 15 years. I sell some of the worlds most sensitive, high dynamic range spectrum analyzers in the world with bandwidths from 10 Hz all the way up to millimeter wave frequencies. These analyzers have dynamic ranges of 145 dB and noise floors of -130db to -140db. These instruments sometimes find themselves in both production environments (notoriously poor environments)and metrology lab situations (controlled near perfect environment). It's funny, but these analyzers don't have pointed feet or special power cords or power conditioners and rarely see clean power yet they always meet spec and look as spectrally clean as if they were in a perfect environment. Why do you suppose that is? Could it be that all the tweeks are just compensating for poorly designed equipment?