Isolation Feet Upgrade

Happy Holidays!
I recently upgraded my Ayre QB9 to its Twenty status and bought a Bryston BDP Pi. Everything’s sounds good but if I could slightly increase bass and warmth I’d be even happier. My thought is to replace the ASR power cable to a Cullen Crossover II and by adding more silver into the power cord, that I’d increase warmth that way. The second tweak would be to replace the Herbie's Tenderfeet but am not sure what would constitute an upgrade. I have read claims however that certain brand names will increase bass response. I remember the time I replaced the stock feet on my QB9 in 2011 and how surprised I was by the improvement in clarity and detail. Am I just chasing my tail with these tweak notions or can I really tailor my equipment into a slightly more preferable sonic signature. Price point is always a factor.
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

Showing 1 response by zerofox

I moved to Herbie’s Tenderfeet under my Krell Digital Vanguard over the summer. It was a worthwhile upgrade. After a few months, I decided try the Iso Acoustics Orea Indigo’s under the Vanguard. The upgraded sound was very noticeable and I would 100% make that move again. Just an immediate tighter, more enjoyable sound. Very worthwhile. 
The Tenderfeet are now under my office amp. 

BTW - Recently I decided to try the Iso Acoustic Gaia II’s and carpet disks under my Vanderstenn 2ce II Sigs and was disappointed. I was expecting the same sort of improvement from an already excellent in my mind sounding amp/speaker combination. Turns out that the Gaia’s really just sucked all of the dynamics out of the sound. I gave it a couple of weeks trying to tweak the placement of the speakers. Eventually gave up and replaced the Gaia’s with the original spikes and there was no question that this was the right choice so I sent the Gaia’s back. I do not doubt people who see an improvement from them - just in my scenario it did not work out. I am using the Vandersteen stands/bases filled with sand on a carpeted floor over a concrete basement.